Suggestion for DB maintenance

  • Need help!

    I have already setup for maintenance plan to rebuild index after filtering large data types... but while it is rebuilding the index it also build statistics.. what should i do at this situation.. should i run the proc which will recompile all the procs, view after this task? if i do so can i do it online in production database during slow period or what could be the best method?

    lets see the proc i am gonna use is like this below to recompile:

    DECLARE recompileproc CURSOR


    SELECT [name]

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE xtype in ('p', 'v', 'fn')

    OPEN recompileproc

    DECLARE @Procedure VARCHAR(70)

    FETCH NEXT FROM recompileproc INTO @Procedure

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    EXEC sp_recompile @Procedure

    FETCH NEXT FROM recompileproc INTO @Procedure


    CLOSE recompileproc

    DEALLOCATE recompileproc




  • Also another thing... by rebuilding i did not see defrag down to 0... some of them stay fragment of 60% is that because of small no of data pages what is logic behind to it?

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