Server Performance During Job Execution

  • I have a question about server performance monitoring.

    I notice that when I am not running a job my server performance is within acceptable limits.

    However, once I kick off a job to run I notice a spike in processor time, cpu time, disk queue length, and pages/sec. The spike lasts the duration of the job run.

    I just began monitoring to establish a baseline, however I am still new to performance monitoring and wish to know if this is normal?

    I am running SQL Server 2005 SP3 on an aggregate 14 SATA Drive SAN. For connectivity we are using NFS.

    I have more stats if needed to help with my request.

    I appreciate any and all feedback!



  • Well, it is normal for resource usage to increase as new jobs/requests are being processed by the server. This could be bad of course depending on the size and duration of the spikes. Can you tell us more about what the resource values were before you ran the job and what they were as the job was running?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Absolutely!

    Here is the before averages:

    LogicalDisk__TotalDrives__Percent_Free_Space: 95.210

    Memory__Available_Bytes: 1971428112

    Memory__Pages_Sec: 0.045

    NetworkInterface__MS_TCP_Loopback__Bytes_Received_Sec: 0.000

    NetworkInterface__MS_TCP_Loopback__Bytes_SentSec: 0.000

    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Percent_Disk_Time: 0.104

    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Avg_Disk_Queue_Length: 0.003

    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Disk_Reads_Sec: 0.004

    Processor__TotalDrives__Percent_Processor_Time: 1.660

    SQLServerBufferCacheManager__Buffer_Cache_Hit_Ratio: 99.864

    SQLServerGeneralStatistics__User_Connections: 10

    SQLServerPlanCache__TotalDrives__Cache_Hit_Ratio: 94.417

    System_Processor_Queue_Length: 0.000

    Here are the "during" numbers:

    LogicalDisk__TotalDrives__Percent_Free_Space: 86.029

    Memory__Available_Bytes: 1581303685

    Memory__Pages_Sec: 0.000 (however I have seen this spike to 1000!)

    NetworkInterface__MS_TCP_Loopback__Bytes_Received_Sec: 80.256

    NetworkInterface__MS_TCP_Loopback__Bytes_SentSec: 80.256

    ----------------these 2 stats I did not capture before---

    NetworkInterface__VMware_Accelerated_AMD_PCNet_Adapter__Bytes_Received_Sec: 52979.904

    NetworkInterface__VMware_Accelerated_AMD_PCNet_Adapter__Bytes_Sent_Sec: 29090.646


    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Percent_Disk_Time: 5.647

    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Avg_Disk_Queue_Length: 0.169

    PhysicalDisk__TotalDrives__Disk_Reads_Sec: 19.923

    Processor__TotalDrives__Percent_Processor_Time: 40.161 (I have seen this go up to > 60)

    SQLServerBufferCacheManager__Buffer_Cache_Hit_Ratio: 99.822 (only a small drop)

    SQLServerGeneralStatistics__User_Connections: 25 (this is higher)

    SQLServerPlanCache__TotalDrives__Cache_Hit_Ratio: 96.535

    System_Processor_Queue_Length: 0.000

  • I don't see anything alarming here. All of the values are within acceptable ranges. The CPU usage seems a bit high for just one process, but it is still within acceptable limits. Are you saying that you have a concern regarding the job's performance?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks for looking this over,

    I guess I'm just trying to figure out if this is "normal" performance - this is my first server on a SAN - and I'm planning on adding another 10 databases to it. I want to be sure so I don't overload, of course I am considering additional connections, etc. in all of that 🙂

    I don't have any special software to help me plan so it's on me to determine what is acceptable, you know?

    I really appreciate another dba looking at the numbers - I was siding with "ok it's normal" but needed someone else's opinion! LOL

    Thanks again - and if anyone else has recommendations, please post them!

    Happy Holidays

  • If you are wanting to get some measurements on baseline IO throughput on your SAN, you may want to look into using some third party tools to help with that such as SQLIO.exe or IOMETER.exe. It may be worth checking out.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks! I will look into it - I'm also working with the SAN administrator - I'm going to ask him what each disk can handle for IOPs - anything else I should ask him?

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