JOINS instead of using IN

  • Hi,

    I was wondering what the best query conversion for the following code would be if I had to use JOINS instead of using nested IN statements.  I know job_id is more selective than the location_id, so job_id should be in the first where condition I suppose, but my JOIN knowledge isnt what it is supposed to be right now.


    * from user_master where user_id IN

    (select user_id from user_role_job where job_id='000000000102' and user_id IN

    (select user_id from user_location where location_id IN


    select location_id from gen_location where location_id='000009'))) and discontinued_date IS NULL

  • try this


    select a.* from user_master a

    join user_role_job b on a.user_id = b.user_id

    join user_location c on b.user_id = c.user_id

    join gen_location d on c.location_id = d.location_id

    where b.job_id = '000000000102' and

    d.location_id = '000009' and

    a.discontinued_date is null

  • Just be careful with possible duplicates that can come from "user_role_job"

    * Noel

  • It also depends on what data you are trying to get at...whether or not you'll use a left outer join, a right outer join, an inner join, a cross join, or a full outer join.  Also, the first responder assumed that you only wanted data from the first table.  You could want data from multiple tables.  I hope that this helps.  Thanks.


  • The statement he is currently using only returns data from the first table so I did the same.  Noel brought up a good point about duplicates if the fields we are joining on are duplicated.

  • Thanks for the help guys.....I ultimately came up producing the following code from your help:

    SELECT RTRIM(a.name_last) + ', '+ RTRIM(a.name_first) + ' (' + RTRIM(a.user_login) + ')' AS student_name,


      WHEN a.discontinued_date IS NOT NULL AND CONVERT(datetime, a.discontinued_date, 101) <= CONVERT(datetime,getdate(),101)

       THEN 'InActive'

       ELSE 'Active'


           h.server_name as region_name,

        d.short_name as location_name,

        e.job_name as job_cat_name,

        e.description + ' - ' + e.ext_ref_code_1 as description,

           g.role_name as role_name

    FROM user_master a

     JOIN user_role_job b on a.user_id = b.user_id

     JOIN user_location c on b.user_id = c.user_id

     JOIN gen_location d on c.location_id = d.location_id

     JOIN job_master e on b.job_id = e.job_id

     JOIN user_role_app f on a.user_id = f.user_id

     JOIN role_master g on f.role_id = g.role_id

        JOIN gen_server h on d.server_id = h.server_id

     --JOIN education_security.dbo.vw_getUsersAccessMaxLevel vwML ON a.user_id = vwML.user_id

     --INNER JOIN education_security.dbo.role_master rm ON vwML.max_level = rm.level

    WHERE b.job_id = '000000000102' and

       d.location_id = '000009' and

          a.discontinued_date is null


    I still got some work to do with the code that comes before this query....but..this helped alot.

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