Source control, versioning and deployment

  • Hi,

    I am exploring the possible solutions for source control (mainly stored procedures) for our sql server 2005 install.

    Has anyone used VS 2005 team addiotion for database professionals? I wanted to get more info on where to start. Could you please let me know if you have any white papaer links or good article on how to use this?

    Also, are there any other options available? I haven't heard much about versioning the stored procedures. We will have to deploy about 500 new/modified stored procs next month in our production. I am trying to find a better way to handle this rather than clicking on each proc and scripting them and running the scripts.



  • Take a look at DB Ghost ( or - it's been in the market for about four years now and it allows you to version all database objects via CREATE script in a source control system. 

    We were the pioneers of this approach that Microsoft have now adopted and are selling for ten times the price

    Also, don't get sidetracked by pure diff tools - trying to implement a process purely by comparing databases simply doesn't scale beyond a few developers and is, therefore, a nightmare to manage and you still have mis-deployment issues.

    DB Ghost - Build, compare and synchronize from source control = Database Change Management for SQL Server

  • i'm sure this isn't the world's best solution, but i've done it on a number of medium-sized projects with good results.  i keep the entire database create script in source code control (vss or subversion or whatever).  when i make a change via my modeling tool or directly to the database, i check out my script and add the changes.

    to verify the script and the actual database are in sync i create a database from the script and use Redgate's [not a paid advertisement] SQL Compare tool. 

    it's a little ryo, but is effective and doesn't cost a lot of overhead.  btw, i quite agree with malcolm on using diff to compare the script.  reminds me of a recent dilbert line "could i vigorously beat myself with a hammer instead?"

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