Problems using a sql server 2000 link server to query a 2005 sql server

  • I have ran into a bump. I am doing a side by side upgrade and need to test our link servers.

    The shop has mostly sql server 2000 servers.

    I created a link server on the 2000 server and was able to read tables. So I believe that its configured correctly

    I ran a simple select top 10 * from [remoteserver].[remotedb].dbo.[remotetable] and recieved the following error

    Could not process object '"db"."dbo"."table"'. The OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' indicates that the object has no columns.

    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider unable to process object, since the object has no columnsProviderName='SQLOLEDB', Query="db"."dbo"."table"'].

    Does anyone know what i am doing wrong. I have been researching this for 2 hours and cannot find anything other then an openquery issue.

    thanks for help in advance


  • I figured it out.

    It was the configuration of the link server. on 2000 you have the option to just click sql server and since we are going between two versions we need to use the provider name instead which is :

    Micorsoft OLE DB provider for Sql server


  • wat will b the querylike???? for this

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