exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs 1 ERRORS out

  • I execute:

    exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs 1

    and get:

    Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    Failed to open loopback connection. Please see event log for more information.

    Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    error log location not found

    Running exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs 2 is fine.

    Any ideas why this is happening???


    I also get the same error when I run the following:

    exec xp_readerrorlog

    To explain more on my first posting...

    I did a trace to see why I was not able to open SQL Server Logs from SSMS and it tries to execute sp_enumerrorlogs -- which tries to execute exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs,1 and exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs,2. exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs,1 fails, while exec sys.xp_enumerrorlogs,2 is successful. So, for some reason it can't find the locations of my errorlog. But, the errorlog is where it has always been and is being written to successfully.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! 🙂

  • schep021

    I was wondering if you ever found the fix for this issue.  i am having the same issue on a SQL Server 2014 installation. 

    Any feedback is appreciated.


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