Replication of DB from one machine to another

  • Hi all,

    we are having our primary database at location L1, and we want to replicate that data to location L2 (L1 and L2 are in different countries)using any replication strategy. can i pls have the approach for the same, how to configure the same, i m able to configure replication on same machine,but seems problematic on other machine

    help would be highly appreciated.


    -Vinit Fichadia

  • what state do you require the replicated database to be in?

    standby or full access


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • full access.

  • There are many questions to be answer prior to coming up with a solution so, any input you can provide to the following will greatly aid those in providing recommendations.

    1. What is the amount of data you are looking to replicate?

    2. What is the acceptable amount of time between the data being on serverA and serverB?

    3. What is the network connection between the two sites?

    4. What is the purpose of this remote server?

    The previous post started to touch on this but ultimately we could throw out multiple valid solutions but none of them may fit your requirements and your infrastructure. So, more information please. : )



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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