Script should give default datapath of SQL database files... HELP require

  • Following should give default datapath of SQL database files.

    But there some problem in this query,i am unable make out . Can anyone help to sort out this please

    It gives blank column

    declare @LogFile nvarchar(500), @server varchar(50),@info nvarchar(500),@info2 nvarchar(500)

    declare @Datafile nvarchar(500),@ans nvarchar(500)

    --truncate table aud23sep

    declare servercursor cursor for

    select Server

    from SQLServerMaster

    order by Server

    open servercursor

    fetch next from servercursor

    into @server

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @info=' exec ['+@server+'].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'+''''+'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'+''''+', N'+''''+'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer'+''''+

    ', N'+''''+'DefaultData'+''''+','+@Datafile+ 'OUTPUT'

    --'exec ['+@server+'].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'+'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'+', N'+'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer'+

    --', N'+'DefaultLog'+','+' @Logfile'+' OUTPUT'

    EXEC (@info)

    select @info2= 'insert * into aud23sep'+

    'SELECT ISNULL('+@Datafile+',N'+''''+@server+''''+')'


    fetch next from servercursor

    into @server


    close servercursor

    deallocate servercursor

    select convert(varchar(40),path) ,convert(nchar(20), path) from aud23sep

  • What is the problem/error or what are looking for?

  • Also, please don't cross post. We scan all forums. The others were deleted.

  • I am doing scripting which will give default datapath of DATABASE files, in which i am already successfull. By executing following query we can get this:

    declare @Datafile nvarchar(500), @LogFile nvarchar(500)

    exec [GB-PB-RTS-001].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',


    N'DefaultData', @Datafile OUTPUT

    exec [GB-PB-RTS-001].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',


    N'DefaultLog', @Logfile OUTPUT

    SELECT ISNULL(@Datafile,N''), ISNULL(@Logfile,N'')

    But problem is that, I want to make it such a script on executing of which from central server (where all linked server will be added ) should give default data path of all SQL servers.

    But the script I had previously posted is not giving it. It gives blank cloumn, Please hel me....


  • What's wrong with sysfiles?

    This also will work in SQL 2000 (not in SQL 2005)

    DECLARE @data_path NVARCHAR(260)

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSget_setup_paths @SQL_path OUTPUT, @data_path OUTPUT

    PRINT @data_Path

  • YEs, but in sysfiles current database file path is stored.

    I require what we set in sql server properties--database settings tab-- default data path

    And require both data and log file path(default)

  • Arpan,

    the problem with your script is in the fact that Registry location is changing for every version of SQL server. I.E. For SQL 2000; for SQL 2005 and named instance of SQL 2005 as well as for MSDE.

    For SQL 2005 it is:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQL2005\Setup\SQLPath

    For instanced

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\InstanceName\MSSQLServer\Setup\SQLPath

  • Yeah thats right, Registries are diffrent for diffrent verions.

    But here my problem is different , I had posted the script which is for SQL Server 2000.

    I have used cursors and dynamic query concept which is causing problem.

    I am poor in scripting, due to which i am not able to find out exact problem.

    If i execute my query without cursor and dynamic query i works perfectly.

    But as i said i need to execute it from central server for all of my linked server,

    i am using this concept.

    Thanks 🙂

  • declare @LogFile nvarchar(500), @server varchar(50),@info nvarchar(500),@info2 nvarchar(500)

    declare @Datafile nvarchar(500),@ans nvarchar(500)

    --truncate table aud23sep

    declare servercursor cursor for

    select Server

    from SQLServerMaster

    order by Server

    open servercursor

    fetch next from servercursor

    into @server

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @info= ' exec ['+@server+'].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'+''''+'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'+''''+', N'+''''+'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer'+''''+

    ', N'+''''+'DefaultData'+''''+','+@Datafile+ 'OUTPUT'

    --'exec ['+@server+'].master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'+'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'+', N'+'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer'+

    --', N'+'DefaultLog'+','+' @Logfile'+' OUTPUT'

    PRINT @info

    EXEC (@info)

    select @info2= 'insert * into aud23sep'+

    'SELECT ISNULL('+@Datafile+',N'+''''+@server+''''+')'

    PRINT @info2


    fetch next from servercursor

    into @server


    close servercursor


    When you run above script it will actually print statements before execution

    on your result pane

    so by seeing that you can figure out where the prblm is exactly

    deallocate servercursor

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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