May 6, 2008 at 11:56 am
Today's problem is about the derived column transformation.
I have a column called Phone in the data source. It is a text datatype and the source application stores phone numbers in the format:
(000) 000-0000. So, an example would be (555) 296-1123.
I need to remove the parenth, the spaces, and the dash so the number would be 5552961123.
Using the replace function is easy enough -- REPLACE([Phone], "(", "")
But, I would like to use multiple replace functions in the derive column transform so I don't have to have multiple transforms for one column.
Can I do something like
REPLACE([Phone], "(", "") REPLACE([Phone], ")", "") REPLACE([Phone], "-", "") Trim([Phone])
I obviously can't type it in that way as I've already tried. Is there some syntax I'm missing? I assume there is a separator.
This way I can have one derived column to replace the original and execute all those functions on one line and do it all in one transform.
As always, thank you all.
May 6, 2008 at 12:29 pm
This is done in T-SQL, but the principle is the same:
declare @phonenum varchar(25)
set @phonenum = '(555) 555-1212'
select replace(replace(replace(replace(@phonenum, '(', ''), ')',''), ' ',''),'-','')
May 6, 2008 at 2:55 pm
Thanks Lynn, that worked great!
What we have that parses correctly is:
replace(replace(replace(Phone, "-", ""), ")", ""), "(", "")
So now I have one derived transform instead of 3.
Thanks again!
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