Trouble setting recrodset to variable

  • Hi,

    I am having trouble setting the return record set into a variable to then pass to an excel file.

    I am close (at least according to my errors) hopefully some one can shed some light.

    Thanks in advance.


    Private Sub cmdCPI_Click()

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim frm As Form

    Dim strPeriod As String

    Dim strSQL As String

    Dim prm As String

    Dim objXLApp As Excel.Application

    Dim CommandText As String

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    Dim params As ADODB.Parameters

    Dim param As ADODB.Parameter

    Set cnn = DatabaseConnection()

    'cnn.CommandTimeout = 600

    'Declare variables for Stored Procedure

    Dim myVariable As Variant

    Dim myReturn As String

    If IsFormLoaded("fdlgFiscalPeriod") Then DoCmd.Close acForm, "fdlgFiscalPeriod"

    ' Open the form as acDialog to pause the code for user input

    DoCmd.OpenForm "fdlgFiscalPeriod", WindowMode:=acDialog, OpenArgs:=PeriodType.FISCALMONTH

    'Make sure the form is still loaded when control is passed back

    If Not IsFormLoaded("fdlgFiscalPeriod") Then Exit Sub

    'Get a pointer to the now hidden form

    Set frm = Forms!fdlgFiscalPeriod

    If frm.txtChoice = "CANCEL" Then

    DoCmd.Close acForm, "fdlgFiscalPeriod"

    Exit Sub

    End If

    strPeriod = frm.lstPeriod.Column(1, frm.lstPeriod.ListIndex)

    DoCmd.Close acForm, "fdlgFiscalPeriod"

    'Append parameters

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = cnn

    .CommandTimeout = 300

    .CommandText = "usr_spRunCPI_Report"

    .CommandType = 4

    Set params = .Parameters

    End With

    params.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@p_Report_FY_FM", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, strPeriod)

    ' Specify input parameter values

    params("@p_Report_FY_FM") = strPeriod

    Set rst = cmd.Execute

    ' Execute the command

    Set strSQL = Trouble setting recrodset to variable

    'strSQL = rst.Fields("myVariable").Value

    Set objXLApp = New Excel.Application

    'open the template workbook

    objXLApp.Workbooks.Open (cAppPath & "CPI_Report\CPI_Report.xls")

    objXLApp.ActiveSheet.Name = strPeriod

    Call ExportToExcel(objXLApp, "A2", strSQL, strPeriod)

    objXLApp.Visible = True

    End Sub

    AJ Mendo | @SQLAJ

  • Never mind all I figured it out.

    AJ Mendo | @SQLAJ

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