Performance Tuning --- HELP

  • We are currently experiencing a performance problem with some of our web applications running on our JBOSS Application Server.

    These JAVA web applications are using Hibernate as the persistence framework.

    The Application Server is JBoss 4.0.5.GA using clustering (based on the all server) but without session replication.

    The SQL Server JDBC driver in use by JBoss is the Merlia driver from i-net software.

    As further explanation, Hibernate uses prepared statements to perform operations. I can provide more specific configuration information about any of the above, if needed.

    I need help using profiler or other means to track the total activity for a Transaction.

    We are seeing several Transaction Ids with high durations.

    Would like to be able to see TSQL code that is being executed for a specific Transaction ID.


    Jeff C


  • you can track this by running profiler over the server / database that is being connected to via the web app.

    you can see the sql in the text data column if you include it.

    Depending on if you call procedures etc you can show RPC: Completed

    if that is not specific enough todig in you can try Statement completed etc.

    Include the duration column which is in milliseconds to see the long running processes. You should also look at the io also which may or may not be impacting the time.

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