Database migration checklist

  • Hi,

    I've a migration checklist I process during upgrading to 2005 and I think most of DBA's have such a list. Maybe it's an idea to come to a final list. Here are my steps:

    on old server:

    - dbcc checkdb on database to convert

    on new server (after restore of detach)

    - change compatibility level

    - change verification to checksum

    - dbcc checkdb() with DATA_PURITY

    - dbcc updateusage

    - sp_updatestats

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • Depends on how you did the migration, you may need to check for orphan users...

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Hi

    I would like to add two things to your list

    1)orphaned users

    2)Did you take care of T-SQL changes.

    Wish you good luck..........

  • If you transfer the logins using the SP_HELP_REVLOGIN stored procedure, you would not get orphaned users as it recreates the logins with the original SID

    Link to the sp script:

  • That is a good idea. Here is my part: (before/after the migration)

    and enable DAC.

  • phani kumar gotety (6/9/2008)

    If you transfer the logins using the SP_HELP_REVLOGIN stored procedure, you would not get orphaned users as it recreates the logins with the original SID

    Link to the sp script:

    I used sp_help_revlogin and I still had a few orphaned users. I was going from a test server on a separate domain to a production server, though.

    To find the orphans, run

    use [database_name]


    sp_change_users_login 'report'

    use [database_name]


    sp_change_users_login 'update_one','[orphan_name]','[orphan_name]'

    Also, make sure you run the upgrade advisor before you proceed. I had some legacy applications that used old join syntax that had to be corrected. I have upgraded one production server, and it went really well. I have another one scheduled in two weeks. Good luck!

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