getting error to connect server

  • Hi,

    I am getting following error to connect server

    An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)



  • Use Surface Area Configuration to enable remote connections.

  • 1.Make sure you have enabled Remote Connections in the Surface Area Configurations.

    2.Make sure the SQL Server Browser service is started in the Sql Server Configuration Manager.

  • Hi,

    Everything is enable still its not connected.



  • To which edition of SQL Server you are connecting????


  • connect giving InstanceName\SQLEXPRESS

  • use

    strt->> programs ->>sql server->> configuration tools ->> sql server configuration manager



    sql native client configuration->> client protocols

    sahred memory - enabled

    tcp/ip -- enabled

    named pipes -- enabled

    via --disabled

  • Kumar ..u got connect or still the same problem persists ???

  • still its not connected................

  • run the cliconfg program (in the windows\system32 directory)

    move tcp/ip and named pipes to the enabled list.

    you enabled the server to communicate with previous steps, my instructions should enable the client to talk to the server.


  • oh, and i *think* when you changed the connection options on the server (a few posts above) you need to restart the sql server service. not 100% sure, but if you can't connect after configuring the client, that's the next thing to do.


  • If the SQL instance is installed on Windows Server 2003 try doing the following:

    1. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services.

    2. Expand the Component Services -> Computers menu in the left hand pane

    3. Right click on My Computer

    4. Click Properties

    5. Open the MSDTC tab and click the "Security Configuration" button

    6. Check "Network DTC Access" check box if it is not already enabled.

    7. Check "Allow Remote Clients".

    8. Click OK.

    9. Click OK again.

    If the Component Services window doesn't display the properties page, you'll need to check Add/Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components and verify that MSDTC is installed.

    Hope this helps

  • Well how certain are you that you have the correct user/password ? And if not using a SQL Server login do you have mixed mode so you can use Windows Authentication and SQL Server logins.

    (And the most bizarre thing, the spell checker for this page is telling me that I have spelt "SQL" incorrectly (and "spelt"))

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Try giving INSTANCE_NAME\SQLEXPRESS,1433..Make sure your SQL Server service is up and running.

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