passthrough a parameter by a url it doesn't pickup the value in the report

  • Hello ,

    i've got a report with a hidden parameter that's used to return a dropdown list for selection in the report.

    When i passthrough the parameter by the url it doesn't pickup the value . Do i need to activate a setting or ... in order to get this working ?

    Beneath the url i'm using , i also tried with &id_user=66

    but also no result.

    The dropdown works if i set a default value for the id_user


    I'm using sql server 2003 SP2 with and reporting services Version 9.00.3042.00

    any help would be appreciated .


  • &rs:Command=Render&rs:id_user=66

    You're making the same mistake I made when specifying parameters in a URL.

    The report parameters don't have the "rs:" "RS" is for Report Server parameters.

    So your URL should look like:


    [font="Arial Narrow"](PHB) I think we should build an SQL database. (Dilbert) What color do you want that database? (PHB) I think mauve has the most RAM.[/font]

  • i've already tried that ,but the result is the same , in other words my problem stays



  • If the parameter is generated from a query, then it's due to a RS limiation. URLs don't pass parameters that are generated by a query. If anyone knows a workaround, let me know.


  • Hi I am not sure if I understood the question correctly I am very new to Reporting Services.

    If I have a report model is it possible to pass parameters (hidden to end user) to it from run time.

    I want to do this using Microsoft Ad-Hoc Report Builder, like the end user clicks on the Report Builder button and it will pass certain parameters to the Report Model, these parameters are hidden to the end user.

    I appreciate any help or if this is even possible with Microsoft Report Builder which use the Clickonce Application.


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