Need help in printing Errors

  • Hi,

    When ever we are restoring databases,while refreshing views of that particular databases some of the Views will not get refreshed 'Due to Binding Error'.

    I have a procedure which refreshes all views of a database but i was not able to print the views which are not getting refreshed due to these binding errors.

    Can anyone provide me the script or give any idea 'How I can print all view names which are not getting refreshed'

    I tried using @errorcode option but no luck 🙁

    Will be thankfull if i receive any solution ASAP

  • Any Suggestions Plz.

    The error it is raising is of Severity level 16.So, Im unable to fix that level error.

    Can anyone provide me a solution how to do this.

  • Since a view is created using a SQL statement and that the table or one of the tables utilized in the view has had a column deleted or the column name altered will produce a binding error. View the attached image and see if it matches the error you are getting

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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