Using Variable Values in Excel Destn Filenames to dynamically create Excel Files

  • Hi All,

    I have a problem, I want to create several 100 reports from one table that should go into seperate excel files..

    now I need to find a way to create Excel files Dynamically with changing date in there...



    Pls tell me if you to create dynamically excel files from same table with names having a variablevalue in it..


    Thanks in advance

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  • On your connectionmanager, look at the expressions section.

    Add an expression and change the connectionstring property to your variable.



  • I think you can use the Script Task component.

    At first you must define a variable @x

    After that you can set it in the Script Task component.

    Dts.Variables("x").Value= "D:\Tempfolder\Report_on_" + @startdatevalue

    as a next job;

    when you define Excel File connection Manager , Point varible x.

    I'm sure it works because I use this method.

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