No Data From CASE Evaluation

  • Hello,

    I have a query that contains six derived columns;

    FirstPerYr; The current year

    FirstPerMo; The current month

    FirstPeriodRevenue; CASE the current year, use the CurrentYearSalesTable (CY). CASE the current month, match the correct column (JanRev, FebRev, etc) of the CurrentYearSalesTable to get the correct data.

    FirstPeriodYrAnnum; Last year

    FirstPeriodMoAnnum; The current month, last year

    FirstPeriodAnnumRev; Same as FirstPeriodRevenue, but from the year and month before.

    In the following query, I get the correct FirstPeriodRev value, but FirstPeriodAnnumRev comes up NULL. I know I have data for January 2006. The query is as follows;


    DECLARE @FirstPerYr Int

    DECLARE @FirstPerMo Int

    DECLARE @FirstPerYrAnnum Int

    DECLARE @FirstPerMoAnnum Int

    SET @FirstPerYr = YEAR(GETDATE())

    SET @FirstPerMo = MONTH(GETDATE())

    SET @FirstPerYrAnnum = YEAR(DateAdd(Year,-1,DateAdd(Month,0,GetDate())))

    SET @FirstPerMoAnnum = MONTH(DateAdd(Year,-1,DateAdd(Month,0,GetDate())))


     RTRIM(DA.AcctCode) AS DAAcctCode,

     RTRIM(DA.CompanyName) AS DACompanyName,

     @FirstPerYr AS FirstPerYr,

     @FirstPerMo AS FirstPerMo,

     "FirstPeriodRev" =




        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 1 THEN SUM(CY.JanRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 2 THEN SUM(CY.FebRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 3 THEN SUM(CY.MarRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 4 THEN SUM(CY.AprRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 5 THEN SUM(CY.MayRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 6 THEN SUM(CY.JunRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 7 THEN SUM(CY.JulRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 8 THEN SUM(CY.AugRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 9 THEN SUM(CY.SeptRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 10 THEN SUM(CY.OctRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 11 THEN SUM(CY.NovRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMo = 12 THEN SUM(CY.DecRev)



     @FirstPerYrAnnum AS FirstPerYrAnnum,

     @FirstPerMoAnnum AS FirstPerMoAnnum,

     "FirstPeriodAnnumRev" =


      WHEN @FirstPerYrAnnum = DATEADD(YEAR,-1,GETDATE()) THEN


        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 1 THEN SUM(PY.JanRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 2 THEN SUM(PY.FebRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 3 THEN SUM(PY.MarRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 4 THEN SUM(PY.AprRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 5 THEN SUM(PY.MayRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 6 THEN SUM(PY.JunRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 7 THEN SUM(PY.JulRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 8 THEN SUM(PY.AugRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 9 THEN SUM(PY.SeptRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 10 THEN SUM(PY.OctRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 11 THEN SUM(PY.NovRev)

        WHEN @FirstPerMoAnnum = 12 THEN SUM(PY.DecRev)




    SalesCommissions.dbo.DailyAccountsDownload DA




          SUM(JanRev) AS JanRev,

          SUM(FebRev) AS FebRev,

          SUM(MarRev) AS MarRev,

          SUM(AprRev) AS AprRev,

          SUM(MayRev) AS MayRev,

          SUM(JunRev) AS JunRev,

          SUM(JulRev) AS JulRev,

          SUM(AugRev) AS AugRev,

          SUM(SeptRev) AS SeptRev,

          SUM(OctRev) AS OctRev,

          SUM(NovRev) AS NovRev,

          SUM(DecRev) AS DecRev



         GROUP BY

          AcctCode, Territory)PY

       ON RTRIM(DA.AcctCode) = RTRIM(PY.AcctCode)



          SUM(JanRev) AS JanRev,

          SUM(FebRev) AS FebRev,

          SUM(MarRev) AS MarRev,

          SUM(AprRev) AS AprRev,

          SUM(MayRev) AS MayRev,

          SUM(JunRev) AS JunRev,

          SUM(JulRev) AS JulRev,

          SUM(AugRev) AS AugRev,

          SUM(SeptRev) AS SeptRev,

          SUM(OctRev) AS OctRev,

          SUM(NovRev) AS NovRev,

          SUM(DecRev) AS DecRev



         GROUP BY


        ON RTRIM(DA.AcctCode) = RTRIM(CY.AcctCode)


     RTRIM(DA.AcctCode) = 'AM940'


     RTRIM(DA.AcctCode), DA.CompanyName


    The result set looks like this;

    DAAcctCode DACompanyName FirstPerYr FirstPerMo FirstPeriodRev FirstPerYrAnnum FirstPerMoAnnum FirstPeriodAnnumRev

    AM940        Sterling Educationa 2007        1              1769.75         2006                    1                   NULL

    If the logic for CASE is the same to find the correct column for the previous year, then why would the result for the previous year come up NULL?

    Thanks again for your help!


  • Without seeing your data, I don't see anything obviously wrong, but there are a few things I'd check, just to ensure there are no typos, etc.

    First, your derived table for the previous year groups by territory, even though it isn't being used anywhere else in your script. Was that an oversight, or is there some reason to group by it, and if so, why doesn't the script reflect that reason?

    Secondly, have you tried to give the case statement for the previous year a failure outlet? I'd add an ELSE to both the inner and outer CASE statements there, just in case there is an error that we both are missing.

    Thirdly, what does the following return?




          SUM(JanRev) AS JanRev,

          SUM(FebRev) AS FebRev,

          SUM(MarRev) AS MarRev,

          SUM(AprRev) AS AprRev,

          SUM(MayRev) AS MayRev,

          SUM(JunRev) AS JunRev,

          SUM(JulRev) AS JulRev,

          SUM(AugRev) AS AugRev,

          SUM(SeptRev) AS SeptRev,

          SUM(OctRev) AS OctRev,

          SUM(NovRev) AS NovRev,

          SUM(DecRev) AS DecRev



         GROUP BY

          AcctCode, Territory

    WHERE RTrim(AcctCode) = 'AM940'


  • I found the problem. When evaluating @FirstPerYrAnnum = DATEADD(YEAR,-1,GETDATE())), The variable @FirstPerYrAnnum contained only the YEAR portion of the date. I needed to express my test as follows;

    @FirstPerYrAnnum = YEAR(DATEADD(YEAR,-1,GETDATE()))

    Now I get back something that looks correct. I need to test.

    Putting an ELSE condition in the outer CASE helped me find this.

    Thank you again for your help!



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