How to monitor DDL commands

  • Hi Everyone,

    Is there any way to monitor DDL commands?

    In our development environment we have several developers. I would like to follow-up changes on databases and tables.


  • Yes, DDL triggers. One method would be to create a table to insert the information you wish to gather about the execution of a ddl statement, create ddl triggers (see Books Online, search for "ddl triggers") on each database so that the trigger inserts a record into this new table whenever a ddl statement is executed.

  • Are DDL triggers available in SQL 2000?

  • Nope, not available in 2000. Must be time to upgrade 😉 I never had a need to do this in 2000, so I'm not certian what your options are. However I did have a free tool from which seemed to work well. I'm not sure if they still offer it or not. It uses smtp to send email notifications whenever a ddl statement or any of a number of other events occur. It was a pretty simple and slick tool, best of all free....

  • Well, I did some checking on that tool. Looks like I mislead you. It was part of another install of their log explorer tool, which is of course not free. So I'm afraid I can't help you without doing some additional research on the subject. ...but if you're looking for excuses to migrate to SQL 2005 or 2008..... 😀

  • Thank you very much John!

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