Maintenance plan jobs suspended due to errors.

  • Running SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition version 9.0.3175.

    Windows 2003 SP2.

    The SA recently applied some patches to the OS and upgraded to .NET 2.0 service pack 1.

    After that upgrade the application was having problems. So the SA uninstalled the .NET service pack.

    After the service pack was unistalled all of my maintenance plans and backup jobs failed with the following error.

    Unable to start execution of step 1 (reason: The SSIS subsystem failed to load [see the SQLAGENT.OUT file for details]; The job has been suspended). The step failed.

    Errors from the SQLAGENT.OUT are as follows:

    2008-02-05 10:25:48 - ! [LOG] Step 1 of job 'System DB Backups.Subplan_1' (0x96F3196477224045B547A213E551C10A) cannot be run because the SSIS subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended

    Any one have any clue as to how to fix this?

  • I am also having problems with Management studio package not loading. This is the error I receive.

    sql server management studio package failed to load

    I assume the two issues are related, but do not know how to fix it.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Could SSIS have been accidentally uninstalled? Confirm that the service exists in SQL Server Configuration Manager.


  • I was able to re-create the problem on a test box. I re-installed .NET and it seemed to fixed the problem.

  • May I know what version of .NET was reinstalled? I ahve both versions 1.0 and 2.0 in our server.

  • .NET 2.0 was reinstalled. The problem was that a patch to .NET 2.0 was uninstalled and it caused problems with SQL Server. We had to reinstall .NET 2.0 (not just the patch) to fix the problem.

  • Hi,

    Ran into the same issue. Reinstalled .Net 2.0

    but the issue persisted.

    Came across this article

    which pointed me to

    While the version in the KB didn't matchup, I did check

    msdb.dbo.syssubsystems and found that the BINN directory listed in

    the paths was missing in action. Somebody else did a reinstall of SQL2K5 on the box and I think the registry or MSDB didn't get updated

    with the new path.

    As a test, I copied over the BINN directory from mssql.3 to mssql.1 and restarted SQL Agent. The jobs now run without error. Probably a better way to fix this but it's Saturday so this will do for now.

  • Just to add to the discussion, we had the same issue. We ran: select * from msdb.dbo.syssubsystems and noticed that the subsystem dll path was incorrect. Our path read mssql.7, instead of mssql.1, because this instance had been the second named instance on the server. It is now the only instance on a new server, but the paths were not properly updated.

  • So, were you able to update the path in msdb.dbo.syssubsystems ?

    That was my thought when I came across this but didn't pursue it further after copying over the folder.

  • Yes, that did the trick. Thankfully, it was only 11 rows. Update statements did it. After restarting the SSIS service, the plans worked fine.

  • Thanks all!

    I had restored msdb to a new server and had jobs that were suspended. After verifying the correct location of the dlls I updated the Subsystem_dll in msdb.dbo.syssubsystems from MSSQL.4 to MSSQL.1 and then restarted SQL agent and the jobs are now running.


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