SQL disk setup

  • I need a couple of suggestions on how to set this up. I've been asked to install a couple sql serverd at my new job. The practice before was to have 2 drived 1 C: for the OS and a D: for everything else include data and log files. I'm trying to stop that pracitice but it's a little difficult. What I wanted to do was this. I have a lun that has 6 disk (i think) maybe 7 I won't know until the meeting later today.

    BUt Lets say that there are 6. I wanted to use 2 (Raid 1 for the OS, SQL executables, and log files, and 4 for a raid 5 volume that would hold the Datafiles. If I do get the seven then maybe 2 raids 1 volume one for the OS and SQL executables. Then a seperate one for just the log files. .

    After all that my question is this Should the OS, SQL executables and log files be located on one volume or will I get performance issue with this configuraton.



  • My suggestion is to have a following drives.

    1 . E drive is for Data files. If possible , create a file groups and stores those file groups on different drives.

    2. T drive for tempdb database

    3. L Drive for Transaction Log files

    4. I Drive for Indexes

    5. C Drive for SQL Executeables

    Doing this you will get the best performance in SQL Server.

  • The simple version of the rule is the more read and write heads you have accessable for operations, the better performance you will get. So, if you can have your OS not using your SQL drives, SQL will have better performance because the drive heads will not be busy processing OS operations. If you have different drives for your data files and your log files, SQL operations writing to the transaction log will not interfere with operations writing to the data files. If you have two file groups and they are on different drives, they will not interfere with each other. And so on.

    Now, that depends on actually having separate hardware. Two drive letters on the same drive does not help. Having 10 drive arrays configured on a single RAID controller will make the controller a bottleneck. You need enough processors and memory to handle the load as well.

    Finally, the types of operations you will run on your server will impact how you want to configure all of this. If you have a read-intensive database that is rarely written, you may want to configure your drives differently than a database that is used for logging bank transactions.

    So, the basic "it depends" answer applies again. I ususally like to start with the plan of putting the OS, data, and logs on different drive arrays (given enough space). If that is not an option, going with two arrays and based on the type of database activity I may put the log files on the OS drive. Some testing will be in order for you.

  • Thanks for the reply


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