Could not autostart SQL Server agent when SQL Server starts

  • I have created a Stored Procedure to autostart SQL Server agent when SQL Server starts.

    The stored proc is

    CREATE PROC AutoStart_SQLAgent



    DECLARE @Err int, @Msg varchar(100), @ServiceName sysname

     SET @ServiceName = 'SQLServerAgent'

     EXEC master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol 'START', @ServiceName

     SET @Err = @@ERROR

     IF @Err = 0


       RAISERROR ('Successfully started SQL Server Agent', 1, 1) WITH LOG




       SET @Msg = 'Error occured while starting SQL Server Agent. Error code: ' + STR(@Err)

       RAISERROR (@Msg, 18, 1) WITH LOG




    EXEC sp_procoption 'AutoStart_SQLAgent', 'startup', 'true'


    The procedure has been successfully created and when i executed , the error is

    StartService() returned error 5, 'Access is denied.'

    Successfully started SQL Server Agent

    Msg 50000, Level 1, State 1

    Any body knows the solution ,Pls help me.



  • I'd say that your SQL Server account does not have permissions to start services.  Under what account are you running the MSSQLSERVER (or similar) service?


  • Thanks for responding.

    I think SQLServer account is,  Network Service account (NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService).

    If this would be the problem, what should i do to resolve it.  Pls helpme.

    Once again thanks,



  • You need to get privilege to do it. Or you may ask sa to do it.

    You can simply check the proper checkbox in the properties of your SQL Server.

  • Why are you doing this? Just set the SQL Server Agent service to automatically start. It's dependent on the SQL Server service, so the agent one won't start until the main one does.


  • Thanks for your reply.

    May i know whick checkboxes have to be enabled  and could u explain in detail.



  • I think you need to check the user's with DB mappings.


    S Suresh

  • Here's how to do it from Enterprise Manger if you have the access privileges:

    1. Open Enterprise Manager
    2. Right Click on the SQL Server
    3. Select Properties
    4. Select the "Autostart SQL Agent" option on the General Tab
    5. Click "OK" to accept the settings and close the Properties Dialog box
  • Michael,

    Autostart in that context only occurs when the server is started. Then SQL Server Agent will autostart.

    I believe the poster's problem is that when you just stop the services (MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent); restarting MSSQLServer does not start SQLServerAgent. You must manually restart SQLServerAgent. However, if you start SQLServerAgent, it will start MSSQLServer since it depends on that service.

    But as I said, you must do that manually unless you are restarting your server or you have figured out a script to start it.


  • Hi

    I need to autostart the SQLServer Agent thro script(shown in earlier post) and i get error.

    Also i couldn't able to find the option "Autostart SQL Agent" what u have mentioned in your post. Iam using SQLServer 2005 and i work in SQLserver management studio.What i should do to solve the problem.




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