Connection to Pull Data From AS400 to SQL Server using SSIS

  • Hi All,

    I have created a Dataflow in which I use Script Component as a Destination to write data into AS400 reading from my SQL Server Table.

    The "Connection Manager" Tab in by Script Destination is set up to connect to AS400 Using ODBC Connection.

    I have also set up the package configuration to specify the connection string with the right password.

    In the script component I create a connection as below

    Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)

                Dim connectionString As String

               connectionString = Me.Connections.AS400Connection.ConnectionString

               odbcConn = New OdbcConnection(connectionString)


    End Sub

    where AS400Connection is set up in the Connection Manager tab of the script component.

    I some how still get the error :

    System.Data.ODBC.ODBCException: ERROR [28000] [IBM][iseries Access ODBC Driver] Communication link failure..... Password lenth 0 and so on

    Any help on how to solve this is much appreciated.

    Is there any other way to pull data from AS400 without using Script Component.




  • you might want to look at this thread.

  • Hi Shinoj,

    Did you get this working - using SSIS Script component to move data from SQL to AS400. I am also using ODBC connection (System DSN created on my PC for IBM iseries Data Acess provider)

    Could you help me with the script code ?

    When i try to execute the dataflow task

    I get an Error 30456 ScriptComponent [464] failed validation and returned validation status 'VS_ISBROKEN'



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