
  • Hi,

    I have use INI file where all the DTS will refer this file for connections purpose. Now we have migrating the DTS to SSIS and ini is getting replaced by dtsconfig xml file. But if change the connections property then that should be automatically reflected in the SSIS ..

    How to do this ???

    Pls help ?????

  • Are you trying to add a xml config file or edit one?

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • i need to change the value of connections property by opening the xml and editing it. if i changed the value then that should be refelected in the SSIS packages... it should work like changing the value in dynamic properties will refelect the values in conenction manager and etc.,(sql server 2000).

  • what does the contents of the xmlconfig file look like?

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • hey Ananth, When you create dtsconfig file, just open it in the text editor and the change the name of server and if database, change database name in the config file. Make sure that when u move to prod envi ...,this config file is at same location as it is in th edev envi...

    There is a good article in

    I am not a pro, but now a days i am doing same thing , so i gathering more informations.


  • Also I read that after creating the xml config file, it requires to go to registry to add a folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. I don't think I can do that in all the servers.

    I have a problem trying to connect to other server but it would not allow me to keep the password of the destination server. So far I cannot find a way to make it to work. My boss is out of patience soon :crying:

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