sql query with count

  • I apoligize but i forgot i need to qeury 2 tables

    table 1

    jobid  jobname               state


    1      accountant            ga

    2      sales                     fl

    3      clerk                     ga

    4      repairman               tn

    table 2

    statename             stateabbrv


    Georgia                      ga

    Florida                        fl

    Tennesse                    tn


    I would like to bind data to dropdownlist




    where (#) is the total count in that table. sorry Adrienne ..

    Thanks agian


  • select state + '(' + cast(count(state) as varchar(2)) + ')'

    from theTable

    group by state

    order by count(state) desc, state

  • i think i figured it out..

    select distinct table2.statename, table2.stateabbrv, count(table1.state) as c from

    table1 join table2 on table2.stateabbrv = table1.state

    group by table2.statename, table2.stateabbrv


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