LiteSpeed and xp_delete_file

  • I have the following statement:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'M:\Backups\db_admin',N'bkp', N'2007-10-28 18:34:26'

    For files created with native SQL backup this deletes the files just fine, but for files created using LiteSpeed it simply fails to delete the files. Anyone run into this?


  • I haven't. HAve you checked the security on the files created each way?

  • I did some more testing this morning.... Looks like that XP only deletes files that where created by a SQL maintenance plan, or by SQL native backups. Guess that is what I get for using an undocumented feature.

  • I think I remember seeing this as well. It looks for specific extensions. I thought this changed in SP2, have you applied that?

  • It's on SP2, and I tried it with the same extension name as well.

    Before running my delete statement right now I have two files in a directory:

    AndersTest.bak backed up with SQL, creation time of 11/1/2007 @ 7:21 AM

    AndersTest_DB_20071101130.BAK backed up with LiteSpeed, creation time 11/1/2007 @ 2:14 AM

    After running:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'M:\Backups\AndersTest',N'bak', N'2007-11-01 07:30:22'

    The LiteSpeed file is left.

    To verify that it was not something in the LiteSpeed backup preventing it from being deleted, I created a file in notepad and saved it as AndersText.bak, this file did not get deleted either.

    To make sure security is not the problem I logged into the desktop on the server using the same login as the SQL Agent uses, I could then delete both the LiteSpeed backup and the fake backup file.

    My only conclussion is that xp_delete_file either looks at the content of the file, or looks into the backup information tables to see if it was backed up using SQL or not. I do believe the first to be the case since I have a job that sends me a list of the last backup data for each database and it clearly shows me the dates that LiteSpeed backed up the databases.

  • My guess is it's looking at the backup history in MSDB, maybe even logging. I should test this by removing some backup info from the tables or replacing the file with one of a different type, same name.

  • Just made a SQL backup on one server, copied the file to another SQL server. The XP_Delete_file removed it just fine.

  • Good to know. They must be reading the file informaiton.

  • Solution found 😉

    Make my own (well, one of our programmers did) C# program that will do what I want. Guess I could have made a CLR program and exposed it to SQL, but decided to keep it simple and make it a regular EXE.

  • Is this a SSIS add-in? Your programmer (or you) interested in writing and article and sharing?

  • Not very fance at all, using xp_cmdshell 🙂 We considered making it into a CLR, but neither him or I am completely comfortable opening up that can of worms yet.... I would say that this is about the first time I have even considered using it though.

    xp_cmdshell 'c:\bin\deletefile.exe "M:\Backups\AndersTest" "bak" "2007-10-31 11:08:31"'

    I have this wrapped in a cursor that dynamically builds the above string and executes it.

    If any interrest I can see if it is ok by him to publish the code for the DeleteFile.exe and write an article on it.

    set quoted_identifier off


    -- modified Anders 10/26/2007 to also cleanup after LiteSpeed backups

    declare @sql varchar(max)

    declare @runtime varchar(22)

    select @runtime = convert(varchar(22),dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()),120)

    declare @Path varchar(100)

    declare @extension varchar(5)

    set @extension = 'bkp'



    FOR select name from sys.databases

    where --name not in ('anderstest' , 'tblCheck', 'Northwind','tempdb')

    name = 'anderstest'

    DECLARE @name sysname

    OPEN DBNames


    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    set @Path = 'M:\Backups\' + @name

    set @extension = 'bak'

    select @sql = 'xp_cmdshell ''c:\bin\deletefile.exe "' + @Path + '" "' + @extension + '" "' + @runtime + '"'''

    -exec (@SQL)




    CLOSE DBNames



  • I think it would be interesting, especially pointing out the issues with delete_file.

    If you're game, I'd like to publish. If not, I can find someone else to do it.

  • Ever considered using xp_cmdshell 'insert del command' ? (assuming sql server 2005 is being used).

  • I delete my LiteSpeed backup files with this code in a Script Task in a maintenance plan package. It is configured by the variables BackupRoot (parent dir for all db backup dirs) and BackupAgeLimit (age in hours). I use hours for the age limit so I can use a 1/2 day offset, i.e. 36 or 60 hours instead of 2 or 3 days.

    Imports System

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

    Imports System.IO

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim sRoot As String = Dts.Variables("BackupRoot").Value.ToString

    Const BackupFilePattern As String = "*_backup_20*.BAK"

    ' Get ADO.NET connection from connection manager

    Using cnn As SqlClient.SqlConnection = _

    DirectCast(Dts.Connections("(local).master").AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction), _


    ' Set up a command to check filenames and age in backup history

    Using cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand

    With cmd

    .Connection = cnn

    .CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS EligibleForDelete FROM msdb.dbo.backupmediaset AS ms " _

    & "INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily AS bmf ON ms.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id " _

    & "INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset AS bs ON ms.media_set_id = bs.media_set_id " _

    & "WHERE (bs.backup_start_date < DATEADD(hour, @age, GETDATE())) AND (bmf.physical_device_name = @file)"

    .Parameters.Add("@age", SqlDbType.Int)

    .Parameters(0).Value = CType(Dts.Variables("BackupAgeLimit").Value, Int32)

    .Parameters.Add("@file", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1023)

    End With

    ' Find every .BAK file in every subfolder

    For Each sFile As String In Directory.GetFiles(sRoot, BackupFilePattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)


    ' Only consider files that have been written to tape (archive bit is not set)

    If (File.GetAttributes(sFile) And FileAttributes.Archive) = 0 Then

    ' Check the age of the backupset

    cmd.Parameters(1).Value = sFile

    If CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Int32) = 1 Then

    ' If the file is a backup file, has been written to tape, and is old enough, delete it


    End If

    End If

    ' An empty Catch block is used to ignore spurious errors


    End Try


    End Using ' cmd

    End Using 'cnn

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    End Sub

    End Class

  • Where can this program be downloaded?

    Is there any patch from Microsoft for this XP to delete other files also?

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