getting the object name using the object_id?

  • is there a way to get the actual object name using the object_id?

    i'm looking for a way i can sort of extrapolate the object name

    using the object_id. maybe a quick function?

    hope it's a quick one liner.

    thanks in advance.


  • Try the object_name() function... 😉

    SELECT object_name(12345)

  • so just as a test... i'll run a query against sysobjects with only

    the name and id.

    select name, id from master..sysobjects

    i can then get the id to appear just as the object name using the object_name

    function right?

    so how would i put the object_name function into the select statement?

    i think just a quick example would point me in the right direction.

    sorry if this is sort of a fundamental question, but just to clear

    things up a bit.



  • Assuming I have a table named userobj that contains object IDs and a user ID:

    create table userobj

    (userid    int,

     objid      int



    userid, object_name(901578250)

    from userobj

    I select user ID from userobj and the object_name function gets the name of the object from sysobjects.



  • thanks for the example! i see whats happening now.

    i can see how it gets the name using each object id i

    have in the parens, but i guess there's no way to do

    it otherwise? like a table with 100 object id's. i

    would need to write the query first with each id in

    the parens ().

    you answered my question though. thanks


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