Integration Services upload of Excel file to SQL Server Table Error

  • I often use BIDS (2005) SQL Server Integration Services to upload text and excel files into SQL Server 2005. However, I received an Excel file from an external source, and when I try to upload it, I get the following error:

    [Excel Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

    Can anyone help?

  • Wow. What a coincidence. Today I tried to do the same thing and got the same basic error. I would like to see any responses that come your way. Right now, I am researching this. If I find anything useful I will post it here.


    G. Milner

  • I/We are also experiencing this problem .. and have done for the past two weeks ..

    I REALLY hope that a resolution to this issue arrives soon ..


  • Have to state some of the obvious points:

    Does the file open / load in Excel? Any messages issuse there?

    What version of Excel was the file created in? (Office 2007 is showing up more frequently now.)

    Hve you tried opening / saving the file to a new file, and retrying your import? Any difference?

  • For me, the file opens in EXCEL just fine. The other thing is when you are creating the Excel source object in SSIS, you can created it and it actually lets you preview the query you have created against the XLS file. It seems to work fine in the design process, in my case. It just fails when you actually try to run the SSIS package, and it fails at the Excel source object, before it moves on to Derived Column Transform or anthing else.

    As a workaround, I just had the person supplying the data give it to me in a .csv and that works fine with the Flat File Source. I will probably stick with this because the .csv is less tempting for people to tweak before they give it to you (changing columns, adding worksheets, etc.) and so more consistent over the long haul, I think.

    As I like to tell people - especially bean counters: "Are you doing formulas and calculations? No? Then don't use Excel!"


    G. Milner

  • Hi all,

    Similar problem here.

    I have created a simple package that reads a .csv file and write to a Excel file.

    Work fine in development environment fails in production.


    Connection Managers

    cmCSVInput -Flat File connection manager (nothing special here and it works)

    cmOLEDBExcel -OLE DB Connection Manager

    the following snippet is from the xml view of dts package

    DTS ConnectionManager

    DTS Property DTS Name="DelayValidation" 0 DTS Property

    DTS Property DTS Name="ObjectName" cmOLEDBExcel DTS Property

    DTS Property DTS Name="DTSID" {1C8101F4-9F9E-40AC-9BDE-6A5559B2C93C} DTS Property

    DTS Property DTS Name="Description" DTS Property

    DTS Property DTS Name="CreationName" OLEDB DTS Property

    DTS ObjectData

    DTS ConnectionManager

    DTS Property DTS Name="Retain" 0 DTS Property

    DTS Property DTS Name="ConnectionString" Data Source=C:\temp\TestExcelSSIS.xlsx;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0; DTS Property

    DTS ConnectionManager

    DTS ObjectData

    DTS ConnectionManager

    Then I have two simple Dataflow components

    Flat File Source

    OLEDB Destination

    NOTE: my Excel destination is .xlsx (Excel 12.0) which matches the specified DB Provider and its extended properties.

    The error I get is

    SSIS Error Code


    The Acquire Connection Method call to the connect manager "cmOLEDBExcel" failed with error code 0x0C0202009

    This occurs when I [check] the cmOLEDBexcel connection manager in the configuration of the package on the Production server.

    The file C:\temp\TestExcelSSIS.xlsx definitely exists.

    The only significant difference I have found between dev and prod servers is the service packs.

    Prod has Product version 9.0.3042 SP2

    Dev has Product version 9.0.3054 SP2

    I believe the difference implies that SP2 installed on the Prod server is a release prior to 7 March 2007

    and that SP2 installed on the Prod Server is a release on or after 7 March 2007.

    I dont want to upgrade the Prod server "just to see if this works" (but I might have to).

    I am going to have a look at the differences bewteen the two releases of SP2 and see if they might be causing this problem.

    thanks All

    john H

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