User Defined Function woes...

  • I'm having a problem with one of my user defined functions. Specifically I'm trying to use some passed in values to set the scale and precision for a numeric data type... When I try and do this the syntax pukes on me, following is my code...

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_int_to_numeric]


    @origInt as int, /* int to be converted */

    @prec as int,

    @scale as int


    RETURNS numeric(@scale, @prec)



    ** Function: This function converts currency that has been stored as an int to a numeric

    with the user-specified precision and a scale of 2. (e.g. $25.00 is stored as an int as

    '2500'. This function converts it to '25.00'). It requires the int to be converted and the

    size of the numeric value to be returned.




    @rightmost varchar(2),

    @leftmost varchar(8),

    @tempStr varchar(10),

    @length int

    SET @length = (len(@origInt) -@scale)

    DECLARE @newNum numeric(@scale, @prec)

    IF (@origInt > 0)


    SET @rightmost = right (@origInt, @scale)

    SET @leftmost = left(@origInt, @length)

    SET @tempStr = (@leftmost + '.' + @rightmost)

    SET @newNum = cast(@tempStr as numeric(@scale, @prec))



    SET @newNum = (0.00)

    RETURN @newNum


  • I don't understand why you need to craft a decimal this way. Why not just decide on the maximum precision and scale you need based on the expected data input and use that?

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Is there a reason that the money or smallmoney datatypes aren't good enough for your purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the money datatypes are "fixed point" numbers out to 4 decimal places. Perhaps your "user defined precision" is a requirement to round to certain decimal places? This can be handled with most client side formatting.

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