moving standalone server to cluster

  • Hi,

    we are planing to move stadalone production sql server to cluster.

    i need some suggestions.

    is it acceptable solution to restore master,msdb backups on newly created cluster sql servers or do i need to export logins manually to cluster


  • Nooo! :w00t: If you restore master, the server won't be aware it IS a cluster! I'm afraid you have got to do some leg work. Not that much though.

    Moving Production Databases from a stand alone server to a cluster is not much different in moving dbs to a new stand alone server. (because you are upgrading the tin for instance). I've got a check list some where, let me dig it out...

    found it. This covers most (I can't guarantee all) things to think about.


    Cluster Config

    Check current Active-Active config ok

    Convert to Active-Passive

    Test Active-Passive Fail-over

    Cluster Available

    Install Oracle Driver for Linked Server (If required)

    Install JDBC Exteneded Stored Procs (If required)

    anything else specific to your site?

    Create mail profile

    Install Outlook

    Configure SQL mail

    Successful SQL Mail Test

    Cluster Config Complete

    Migration Prep

    Identify all Dependent DBs to migrate

    Check for Original Server references in views, SPs etc.

      Create script to update relevant objects found above, (if any)

      DTS Packages

      Identify all packages to migrate

      Manually "Save As" packages to NEW server

      Update any affected pointers

      Scheduled Jobs

      Identify all Jobs to be migrated

      Copy jobs to New Server

      DO NOT COPY JOBS THAT RUN DTS PACKAGES. Reshedule packages instead

      Update any affected pointers

      Linked Servers

      Copy linked servers

      Test linked server

      Security & Errs

      Copy Server Level logins

      Copy DB Logins

      Test accounts

      Copy User defined err messages (I always forget this)

      New Backup Structure

      Create new backup structure on your backup server

      Terminal Servers

      Identify all reg settings pointing to old server (If your app stores setting in the registary)

      Create reg update pointing to new server

      New Server DBs Preperation

      Copy Migrating DBs to New Server (For test purposes)

        Maintanence Plans

        Recreate System DBs backup plan

        Recreate Sys DB optimisation plan

        Recreate User DB backup plans

        Recreate User DB Integrity & optimisation plans

        Test plans via Scheduled Job

        Copy Old Server alerts - Check for Old Server references


        Terminal Servers

        Apply reg update to all TS's

        Update ODBC setting from OLD Server to to New

        Run your app from ***EVERY*** TS

        Disbale old server Migrated Scheduled Jobs

        Isolate Migrating DBs

          - place in Read-Only mode

          Backup migrating DBs

            Restore Migrating DBs to New Server

              Check in FULL recovery mode

              Run any UPDATE scripts

              Enable New Server Scheduled Jobs

              Update any DTS connections

              Post Migration Checks

              Terminal Servers

              Run your app .exe from EVERY TS

              Sunday Morning

              Check maintenance task completed successfully

              Check Scheduled Jobs completed successfully

              Check backups copied to SQLBackups share


              I'm sure this is not complete, but hopefully it is a good starter for 10 🙂

              Any one else want to add to it?


              Dave J

              "I don't know what I don't know."

            1. thanks david.

            2. I have 2 cents:

              1. Verify database restore from the backup on the new server. This can be done before the migration.

              2. Right after migrate database to the new server, bring the old databases offline instead of read-only, or bring the sql service down if applicable.

            3. Is there a script out that that you can run against OLD database(or server) and re-run against NEWLY moved database(or server) to be sure that all objects made the move? Server wide would be nice? Then be able to do a comparison?? We are doing a server move and are up against this at this

              Thank you!!,


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