Stored Proc syntax

  • Hello,

    Kindly check if I did the correct syntax. The command completed successfully when I parse the query. But when I run it, I encountered "Invalid column name 'serv_lev'." in line 1 of my query. I checked the column name and it is correct. Kindly advise. Thanks.

    if   serv_lev is not null

      insert tblMatchNSI(serv_lev,ctry_code,expamt,impamt,LCamt,usdamt,wkending,trans_code,ship_id)

    SELECT     dbo.ExpHybrid.serv_lev, dbo.tblTempNSI.*

    FROM         dbo.ExpHybrid RIGHT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.tblTempNSI ON dbo.ExpHybrid.ship_id = dbo.tblTempNSI.Ship_id

  • I think that you're looking for:

    INSERT INTO tblMatchNSI(serv_lev,ctry_code,expamt,impamt,LCamt,usdamt,wkending,trans_code,ship_id)

    SELECT    ExpHybrid.serv_lev, tblTempNSI.*

    FROM    dbo.ExpHybrid ExpHybrid

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblTempNSI tblTempNSI 

         ON ExpHybrid.ship_id = tblTempNSI.Ship_id

    WHERE ExpHybrid.serv_lev IS NOT NULL

    If this is not correct, please can you give more information such as table definitions etc.



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  • Hello.. thanks a lot it work. But the reason why I want to put a condition because if the serv_lev is not null, it will insert to tblMatchNSI and if it is null, it will insert to tblNonMatchNSI.

    How will I handle this? Thanks again so much.

  • If you notice the WHERE clause in the statement this will stop any rows with NULL values in the serv_lev column being inserted into tblMatchNSI.

    You can have a second query similar to the first but change the INSERT INTO tblMatchNSI and IS NOT NULL to INSERT INTO tblNonMatchNSI and IS NULL respectively.


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