• I have a problem with @@ROWCOUNT not returning the correct value.
    This is my query:
    SET IDENTITY INSERT [dbo].[Table1] ON
    INSERT [dbo].[Table1](Col1, Col2, Col3)
    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3
    FROM [RemoteSvr].[DBName].[dbo].[Table1]
    WHERE Col1 = '12345'
    SET IDENTITY INSERT [dbo].[Table1] OFF
    Now, when I run this, even though 9 rows are inserted into [Table1], the 'SELECT @@Rowcount' returns 0.
    Now, if I just run this (ie remove the INSERT parts of the query):

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3
    FROM [RemoteSvr].[DBName].[dbo].[Table1]
    WHERE Col1 = '12345'
    Then I actually get returned back '9'.
    Now I am doing this sort of query for several different tables, and those tables it will return the correct @@ROWCOUNT for the number of rows inserted.
    Any ideas why @@ROWCOUNT would not work for this table?!?

  • Scope of system functions is limited to the local server.

    Since no rows have been inserted or selected locally @@ROWCOUNT returns 0.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I dont think the issue with selection of Remoteserver data.

    Since selection is from remote server. And that too is giving right @@rowcount value when only select was used.

    What I am suspecting is the Set IDENTITY Insert on statement, which stops @@rowcount variable to have valid values.


    Kindest Regards,



  • I ran the following test, and @@ROWCOUNT return 3, as expected. The difference here is that I don't have access to a remote server. However, since you are inserting data FROM a remote server INTO a local server, that shouldn't matter (but it might!).  The SET IDENTITY_INSERT Table1 ON statement didn't adversely affect @@ROWCOUNT.

    DROP TABLE dbo.Table1


    DROP TABLE dbo.Table2


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Table1


      id int IDENTITY(1,1)

    , col1 varchar(5)

    , col2 varchar(5)

    , col3 varchar(5)



    CREATE TABLE dbo.Table2


      id int IDENTITY(1,1)

    , col1 varchar(5)

    , col2 varchar(5)

    , col3 varchar(5)



    INSERT dbo.Table1 (col1) VALUES ('11111')

    INSERT dbo.Table2 (col1)

      SELECT '12345'


      SELECT '12345'


      SELECT '12345'


    INSERT dbo.Table1 (id, Col1, Col2, Col3)

      SELECT id, Col1, Col2, Col3

        FROM Table2

       WHERE Col1 = '12345'


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Table1] OFF

  • I agree with Avinash.  I just tried to select and insert into a table and @@rowcount function worked. Since it's a global function there maybe something else that setting the rowcount to 0.  Why don't you declare a variable and set the rowcount to the variable and check the result.

    Good day...



  • I tried executing the below queries and found no problem from my side.

    SET IDENTITY_iNSERT [dbo].[Table1] ON

    INSERT [dbo].[Table1](Col1, Col2, Col3)

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM [remotesrv].[remotedb].[dbo].[Table2]

    SELECT @@ROWCOUNT as 'rowcount'

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Table1] OFF

    And it gives pretty gud result too........




    Krissy, I was wondering if you can provide me of how Linked server was added onto your native Server..

    Kindest Regards,



  • Can the actions performed by a trigger affect the @@rowcount returned?

  • Yes Donald, they do affect the @@rowcount variable. Say for example you have the following trigger on Table1 then you would only receive those Rowcount which may be result of the DMLs written in trigger itself.

    Create trigger abcIns

    on Table1

    for insert


          declare @col1var int

          insert into #temptbl(timeofinsert,idoninsert) values(getdate(), @col1)



    Now whenever any insert is made on Table1 it will return only the rowcount of the insert statement(it may be any DML statement) inside the trigger. This carried to scope of the session in which trigger firing insert statement was issued.


    Kindest Regards,



  • Thanks,

    I thought that was the case.

    So maybe there is an insert trigger on table1 that is changing the @@rowcount that is being returned. This would explain why the select showed the correct @@rowcount but the insert didn't. Just a thought.

  • I know this topic is old, but I just tried to affect the value of @@rowcount using a trigger and I could not. I would insert 1 record into a table, then have a trigger select, insert or update many records (I tried all three) and the next @@rowcount that I ran after my initial insert would return a value of 1. An @@rowcount inside the trigger would return values greater than 1, but not the next @@rowcount in the scope of the initial insert statement. It looks to me like @@rowcount operates like scope_identity() rather than @@identity in the sense that it is scope-dependent. I got the same results in SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008r2.

    Same result here:


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