sql server 2005 won''t perform


    I had my IT dept. install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on a new windows server 2003.  All other machines are running sql 2000 server on windows server 2000.  I am a sa and local admin on all servers. I tried performing copy database, backup and restore and detach and attach to upgrade the sql server 2000 databases to 2005 and all fail.  I followed all steps. I was imformed that IT installed sp2 for sql server 2005.  It's like the servers dont talk to each other.  Their all on the company's domain.  I am wondering if something happen with the install but the IT dept. insist that everything went fine.  It's strange that I can't perform a simple backup and restore it on the new server buy when I click on restore it doesn't let me browse to get the backup file on the 2000 server.  I never had a problem in Sql 2000 with backup.  Can it be the installation was corrupted somehow.  It seems fine.  I haven't created any new databases because I wanted to move the databases from sql 2000.  Can anyone help me get a clue of what the problem is please?


  • hi

    is the new installation on the same server on which sql 2000 is running.since u logged in as sa we can assume that privileges wont be a issue.

    r u trying to browse the backups which are on a different server.

    give more details as to what u did so that we have a better idea.

    "Keep Trying"

  • I never recall a restore dialog pointing across the network.  Even in SQL2000 it would let you browse local drives.  Copy SQL2000 backup file across the network to 2005 box and run a restore. 

  • What is the error message that the restore process is failing with?

    Did you run DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKCATALOG Before you started this process?

    If not I recomend you do this as you could have errors in your 2000 databases that are causing this process to fail.


  • The SQL server 2005 is installed on an entirely different server.  I have three different SQL servers; on one is running 2005.  I can't find anything that would tell me what failed. I did run DBCC CheckDB and DBCC Checkcatalog before I started.  Maybe I am missing something obvious.  When I sign on to the different server; I can perform a backup and restore within the same server but it does not give the option to backup to any other place other than the server or computer it's on.  I thought you could place a backup on the network the computer is on but the only drive available is the C: drive.  These servers are all part of a domain. What am I missing.

  • J Scott,

    You are not missing anything here other than the fact that you can backup a Database to any Server on your network.

    You have to use T-SQL for this. You can then schedule it as a job to run at your convenience.

     It's simple. I do it all the time. Here is the syntax.


    TO DISK ='\\ServerName\ShareName\dbname.bak'


    Have a look at BOL to see the options you can use.

    Hope this helps.

    Kindest Regards,

  • Thank you so much.  I thought I was losing it.

  • In order to use UNC mapping you must have SQL Server configured to run as a user with network access.

  • I glad you clarified this because I am having a problem running this code.  How do I configure the server to run with the network and doe I need this for all my server both 2000 and 2005?

  • http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915846

    Lots to read - But I think the actual work will be performed by your network admin.


  • You must have SQL Server running under a domain account to access network resources, but the GUI will still only let you point-and-click to local drives on the server.  If you want to backup/restore from a network share (that SQL Server has rights to) you have to pry the mouse out of your hand and type in the path.

  • Don't forget that the login who runs the SQL Server service should be a user who has rights to the network resources that you intend to use



  • Thank you all.  I'll give all your suggestions a try.

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