master..xp_fileexist, Limited?

  • I have begun to use master..xp_fileexist, I have over 150,000+ documents in 15 different locations and have to audit an application to ensure that the docs it says exist are really there.

    My question is: Is there a limit to the number of directories it will drill down to?

    ex1: (This returns a 1)

    master..xp_fileexist 'c:\autoexec.bat'

    ex2: (This returns a 0)

    master..xp_fileexist '\\eclinic.aldc.local\Photos\133752\472065.jpg'

    I know the above document does exist in this directory.


    Any thoughts outthere?

  • Is the servername correct in your example using an UNC?  I just tried it on one of my servers and it works fine going down several directories.

  • Does the service account for SQL have access to the network share?

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