July 3, 2006 at 2:27 pm
I have a select statement like:
SELECT Company, FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Table and get recordset like:
Company 1 John Doe my@mail.com
Company 2 Steve Smith steve@smith.com
Company 3 Laura Lenon laura@lenon.com
How can I modify this to get result like:
--- Company 1 Company 2 Company 3
FirstName John Steve Laura
LastName Doe Smith Lenon
Email my@mail.com steve@smith.com laura@lenon.com
Please help
July 3, 2006 at 2:29 pm
oh, forgot to mention.
select statement is dynamic, ea
select ' + @fields + ' from table
so we don't really know what @fields may have.
July 3, 2006 at 3:58 pm
What datatype you plan to use for columns in rotated table?
Code for TallyGenerator
July 4, 2006 at 6:05 pm
Tim Wilkinson
"If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
- Immanuel Kant
July 5, 2006 at 7:06 am
Unfortunately I do not use SQL server 2005.
Further more, above link is talking about static 90 degree turn, as he knows all the columns, I do not. It will be passed into procedure and vary at all the time.
July 5, 2006 at 8:43 am
This looks like a dynamic pivot table request, and I suggest you refer these articles:
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
July 5, 2006 at 9:16 am
>he knows all the columns, I do not. It will be passed into procedure and vary at all the time.
Eric knows the columns in the 'before' recordset, but not the columns in the query output. If you mean you don't know the column names in the output, as you would need to to use CASE() or PIVOT, there's no problem. That's what the code in the quoted post is designed to deal with, hence the dynamic SQL.
If you mean you want code which can rotate any table without aggregation, remember not to do it on a huge table!
For this, you'd need to get the column names and datatypes from syscolumns or information_schema, then (probably) use nested dynamic SQL. I generally try to avoid typing 12 single-quotes in a row, but have fun!
Tim Wilkinson
"If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
- Immanuel Kant
July 12, 2006 at 3:05 pm
I've had a go at this, trying to keep the dynamic SQL to a minimum. The processing could possbly be made more efficient, but the task itself limits the options there.
The main outstanding problem is when the row size exceeds the maximum. The code as it stands fills the output table from left to right, ordering by the specified unique key column. When a row exceeds the available space on the page, it raises an error and stops filling the table. You still see the results though. I've started adding some code to cleanly stop processing before the row fills up, but I'm hampered by using SQL v9 for development, which allows more than 8060 characters in a row, and also has some other changes which I'm still looking into.
At present, I've added some code which attempts to keep track of row size - the output is printed to the messages window. It would also be preferable to add columns only as needed - this could possibly be done by combining the two cursors into one nested cursor. At present, the code ignores columns defined as >200 chars, as well as large datatypes and XML. THis whole area could be cleaned up quite a bit. I've had enough for the moment, so I'm posting the code as is, in the hope that it may be useful as a starting point.
It would be possible to get rid of the cursors, too, but there may not be much advantage. Basically, I've concentrated on the functionality and left the optimisation (possiby a complete rewrite) for later (and for someone else!).
nocount on
table #TESTbefore
table #TESTbefore([PK'] int identity primary key clustered, _Name varchar(30),BirthDate smalldatetime, Car varchar(20), number int
[some @#//?. horribly
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
'Bob', '3/4/1985', 'Nissan', 1 union all
'Jim', '5/4/1943', 'Daewoo', 2 union all
'Sid', '1/1/2000', 'Smart', 3 union all
'Nancy', '8/19/1989', null, 4 union all
'Johnny', null, 'Triumph', 5 union all
'Sue', '8/19/1929', 'Bike', 6 union all
'Bertram', '8/19/2009', 'Sinclair C5', 7 union all
'Frampton', '8/19/1972', 'Fiat', 8 union all
'Felicity', '8/19/1984', null, 9 union all
'Horace', '8/19/1947', 'Citroen', 10
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
_name + 'x', BirthDate+1, Car, number+1 from #TESTbefore --*2
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
_name + 'y', BirthDate+2, Car, number+2 from #TESTbefore --*4
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
_name + 'z', BirthDate+4, Car, number+4 from #TESTbefore --*8
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
_name + 'a', BirthDate+8, Car, number+8 from #TESTbefore --*16
#TESTbefore(_Name, BirthDate, Car, number)
_name + 'b', BirthDate+16, Car, number+16 from #TESTbefore --*32
function dbo.quotestring(@string varchar(8000))
nocount on
@tabname sysname, @PKcolname sysname
@tabname = '[#TESTbefore]', @PKcolname = 'PK'''
@objid int, @sql nvarchar(4000), @prmlist nvarchar(4000)
@inputkeycount int, @emptyrowsize int
@inputkeys table(id int identity unique, keyval varchar(200) unique)
table #output(column_name sysname primary key clustered)
@tabname = case when @tabname like '[[]%]' then substring(@tabname,2,len(@tabname)-2) else @tabname end
@PKcolname = case when @PKcolname like '[[]%]' then substring(@PKcolname,2,len(@PKcolname)-2) else @PKcolname end
@prmlist = '@objid int output'
@sql = case when @istemptab = 1 then N'use tempdb ' else N'' end
'select @objid = object_id(N''' + dbo.quotestring(@tabname) + ''')'
N' order by ' + quotename(@PKcolname)
sp_executesql @sql
@inputkeycount = count(*) from @inputkeys
@emptyrowsize = 6 + ((@inputkeycount + 7) / 8) + (@inputkeycount*2)
name,@emptyrowsize from tempdb.dbo.syscolumns where @istemptab = 1 and id = @objid and xtype not in (34,35,98,99,241) and length <= 200 and name <> @PKcolname order by name
name,@emptyrowsize from dbo.syscolumns where @istemptab = 0 and id = @objid and xtype not in (34,35,98,99,241) and length <= 200 order by name
cr_rowstocols into @keyval
@@fetch_status = 0
#output(column_name) select name from @inputcols
cr_onecellupdates cursor local forward_only keyset for
update of c.outputrowlen
cr_onecellupdates into @keyval, @colname, @outputrowlen
@@fetch_status = 0
* from #output
table #output
function dbo.quotestring
Tim Wilkinson
"If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
- Immanuel Kant
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