
  • i have a few strings:

    "My Product 5.5CT"

    "Your product 5CT"

    "His product 12.5CT"

    Im trying to extract the numerical value only. Can i use Patindex to remove all of the letters?


  • Patindex() will only locate the position of the numerics within the string.

    In order to strip the numbers out, you need to use 1 of the functions that actually modifies the string, or returns portions of it, including Replace(), Left(), Right() and Substring().

    Partial example, showing functions to strip leading non-numerics:

    Declare @test-2 varchar(20)

    Set @test-2 = 'My Product 5.5CT'

    --Position of 1st numeric

    Select patindex('%[0-9]%', @test-2)

    -- Strip up to 1st numeric

    Select Substring( @test-2, patindex('%[0-9]%', @test-2), DataLength(@Test))

  • Sho' 'nuf!  You can play around with this...


    FUNCTION dbo.udf_stripString


    @prmString VARCHAR(512) = NULL,

    @charList VARCHAR(256) = NULL,

    @funcAction bit = 1





    Name: udf_stripString

    Author: Arturo T. de Lamerens

    Version: MS SQL Server 2000

    Function: Strips unwanted characters from a string

    Strategy: When @funcAction = :

    0 - Allow characters in @charList in @prmString

    1 = Remove @charList characters from @prmString

    @charList is a literal string of characters allowed/removed from @prmString

    '-' may be used within @charList to specify a range of ordinals

    'A-Za-z0-9_' would allow/remove alphabetic, numeric and the underscore characters.

    Usage: udf_stripString(searchString, characterList, action)

    Returns: identifierName stripped of invalid characters or NULL if invalid overall

    Issues: The empty string in NVARCHAR types is handled as a single blank unless preceded by N (i.e. N'')

    Revisions: 2002.04.29 ATL - Initial Version.




    @patPrefix VARCHAR(3),

    @strPos INT

    IF @funcAction = 1

    SET @patPrefix = '%[' -- Strip characters in @charList from @prmString


    SET @patPrefix = '%[^' -- Allow only characters from @charList in @prmString

    SET @strPos = PATINDEX(@patPrefix + @charList + ']%', @prmString)

    WHILE @strPos > 0


    SET @prmString = STUFF(@prmString, @strPos, 1, '') -- overwrite character with ''

    SET @strPos = PATINDEX(@patPrefix + @charList + ']%', @prmString) -- find next character


    RETURN @prmString



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