Join Order

  • Hi Experts,


    I have two tables namely TableA and TableB which contains data 5000 and 500000. If we join these two tables which will come first in the WHERE clause ?

    Can anybody give me the exact answer with reason ?






  • It depends.

    We can guess, but showing your table's DDL will help us much.

    SELECT *

    FROM Table1

    INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table2.Col1 = Table1.Col2


    As you can see, queries can look very different.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • It doesn't matter which comes first in the WHERE clause. Either one can be there and the optimizer will decide how to join the tables on its own.

  • Peter,

    This is my code.

    CompanyTrans Table : 180240

    AcctEntry Table : 755320

    -------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT DISTINCT Seq = identity (10),

     A.CompanyInstitNbr, A.TransNbr,

     CONVERT (char (10), A.PostingDate, 111) +

      CONVERT (char (5), A.TransNbr) +

      CONVERT (char (8), A.ValueDate, 1) Combo,

     TransTypeCode Typ,


     CONVERT (int, NULL) MaxSeq,

     CONVERT (char (4), AcctNbr) +

     CONVERT (char (3), SubAcctNbr) + SubAcctCode Acct,

     CONVERT (char (2), CONVERT (int, SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty))) + '|' CrDr

    INTO #NotMisc

    FROM CompanyTrans C, AcctEntry A

    WHERE A.CompanyInstitNbr = C.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND A.TransNbr = C.TransNbr

     AND TransTypeCode NOT LIKE 'MS%'

     AND SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty) <> 0

    ORDER BY A.CompanyInstitNbr, A.TransNbr, AcctNbr, SubAcctNbr,SubAcctCode



    shall i include AcctEntry first or CompanyTrans table, which one will give less execution time ?






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