WinHTTP in Stored Proc

  • I am sending data to a POST via a stored proc and using the sp_OA procedures in SQL.  I am using WinHTTP.  Below is a snippet of code.

     EXEC @rc = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1', @http output

     IF   @rc <> 0 GOTO Error

     SET @proc = 'Open("POST" , "' + @URL + '", 0 )'

     EXEC @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, @proc

     IF   @rc <> 0 GOTO Error

     SET  @proc = 'SetRequestHeader("HTTP-Version","HTTP/1.1")'

     EXEC @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@proc

     IF   @rc <> 0 GOTO Error

     SET  @proc = 'SetRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic c2...")'

     EXEC @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@proc

     IF   @rc <> 0 GOTO Error

     SET  @proc = 'SetRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")'

     EXEC @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@proc

     IF @rc <> 0 GOTO Error

     SET  @proc = 'Send("' + @post + '")'  -- Here's the part I need to encode somehow

     EXEC @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@proc

     if   @rc <> 0 GOTO Error


    I can connect and post the data just find, except for sending double-quotes.  If the parameter @post has a double-quote,  it will not send the data and instead, return an error stating that the ' " ' is not a valid delimiter.  We have confirmed that if the @post does have a double-quote, then the transmission is not sent.  This error is on my end before it posts anywhere.

    Any ideas how to translate that double-quote?  Hopefully this was not too vague.  If so, let me know and I'll provide more info.


  • parse you @post and replace the double quotes with &quot;


    DECLARE @var VARCHAR(50)


    @var = 'My "Test"'


    @var = REPLACE(@var,'"','&quot;')



    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Thank you for the reply!

    I did try this, along with several other special character encoding.  It does not seem to send the data as expected since the POST returns 0 results.  Seems like it does not translate once it has been sent, so the POST itself does not see any double-quote, just '&quot;' for instance.

    I've run into several articles referencing bugs within WinHTTP, though this process seems straight forward.  I'm not doing anything special, just trying to send the double-quote.

    The double-quote is necessary since the POST serves as a stepping-stone process for communicating with our mainframe which requires double-quotes as delimiters.

    Here is the exact error if I send the double-quote:

    Error [-2147211445], While [Send('str1"str2"str3"str4"num1"num2"num3')], Source [ODSOLE Extended Procedure], Description [Traversal string: The '"' delimiter is allowed only in a parameter list.]



    When I encode with " &quot; ", I receive the following error.  It looks like it is encoding it properly, but I don't understand why it's finding an unclosed "(" delimiter.

    Error [-2147211431], While [Send('str1"str2"str3"str4"num1"num2"num3')], Source [ODSOLE Extended Procedure], Description [Traversal string: A '(' delimiter was found with no matching ')'.]

  • what happens if you don't include the double qoutes on your send thingy i.e.

    SET  @proc = 'Send(' + @post + ')'

    with an encoded @post as per my earlier example

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • It does not appear to send the data out.  I am going to run through a different approach to see what happens.  I appreciate the help!

  • If you are still watching this - did you ever solve it, and if so, what did you do?

  • FYI - for anyone else coming across this - do not try to replace the " as mentioned above - the object does all xml parsing and that causes other issues.

    Instead - replace any double quotes with single quotes - and the data will be parsed just fine in the object.

    Thank you - that is all - have a great day.

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