SQL JOB help

  • Is there any way to create a T-sql query/SQL JOB that checks the status of MSSQLSERVR.exe(in Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services) whether if it is started or unexpectedly stopped due to power failure, etc.

    Here is my scenario, i have a SQL Server 2K Standard Edition on my box and another SQL Server 2k Standard Edition on a remote location. The box that is on the remote location is our PRODUCTION Server while my box is just for test restore, some query testings, etc.

    Now, i dont want to use the built-in feature of SQL Server 2k which is SQL Mail or sp_sendmail because of the tedious setup and our company doesn't use OUTLOOK or EXCHANGE Server.

    What i'm using is the extended procedure called xp_SMTP_sendmail downloadable at SQLDev.Net. Its a xtended procedure that doesn't need any MAPI Profile, Outlook client or even an Exchange Server. All it needs is a working SMTP Server and a valid SMTP Account. I'm already using this to check my daily backups.

    another question is, is there a way to have the job installed in my box? Because there is no way to send e-mail if the server is shutdown unexpectedly. So, is it possible to have it in my box?

  • Leonardo,

    Check out the following link, http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3347241.

    You can create this heartbeat checker and run it from your box (or another monitoring box). All you have to do is, schedule (using Windows Scheduler) the .exe to run every 15 minutes (or at whatever time interval you choose).

    Note that you can configure it to run against multiple servers.

    Hope that helps,

  • Thanks dude, i'll try this out.....tnx again..

  • Hi grambowk,

    Correct me if i'm wrong but i tried the URL that you posted and followed all the instructions. However, everytime i execute the script it always shows this output:

    5/19/2006 5:53:52 PM

    ServerName: osgleny

    ServiceName:  MSSQLSERVR


    it doesn't matter if the server is stopped or running it always displays the same output.

    and with the Email script i only edited the following:


    'Note: change the email ID to your email ID


    SMTPServer = ""


    and still the status.txt stays the same and no emails are sent. The problem cannot be the SMTP server because i use it with the xp_SMTP_sendmail and it works just fine..


    anyway, thanks again for helping me

  • Leonardo,

    I just tried setting this myself and it worked fine. Note that I'm using the second method (on page 2). My ServiceList.txt file looks like this:



    Where KARLG is the name of my SQL Server. If I misname the server name, I get the same output as you.

    Here's my output:

    Check Heart beat started

    19/05/2006 11:12:34

    ServerName: KARLG

    ServiceName: MSSQLServer

    Status: OK

    State: Running

    19/05/2006 11:12:37

    ServerName: KARLG


    Status: OK

    State: Running

    Check Heart beat Completed

  • Thanks!! i'll give it another shot...

  • Hi i gave it another shot and i received this kind of output at the status.txt



    Error: -2147217375


    5/22/2006 5:58:36 PM



    Error: -2147217375


    5/22/2006 5:58:36 PM



    Error: -2147217375


    5/22/2006 5:58:36 PM

    The file kept on increasing it's size nonstop, unless you stop wscript in the task manager.

    here is what i did with my servicelist.txt:


    i even tried using the server's IP address like so,, MSSQLServer

    still same error....the server name can't be wrong because if you try pinging my hostname OSGLENNY its fine. Or if you try to register my OSGLENNY server into another PC it WORKS fine. Even if you tried OSQL onto another PC and tried to access OSGLENNY, still it works fine.

    is there any software requirements before doing this? because i just reformatted my PC and all of my other applications are all uninstalled...the only applications in my PC are:

    MS OFFICE 2003 Pro

    SQL Server 2000 Standard Ed.

    Mcafee Vscan

    Adobe Acrobat Reader Standard

    and Lotus Notes 7.0.

    thanks again.......



  • Leonardo,

    In that case I honestly don't know. All I know is the script works and runs for me so I suggest you contact the author of that script and see if he as any more insight. You can send him a message from the same site.

  • ok...i'll try and contact him...i hope he replies though....anyways thank you for your support....

  • Try executing the script from the command line or double click in Windows rather than the Task Manager.  If it works then, you have a permissions problem.  Check to see what persona/login the task is running under. I looked at the script quickly and can't be sure, but I think it's likely the error occurs on the GetObject().


  • I dont execute the program in "task manager"...i "KILL" the program in the Task manager. Actually, i am executing the program in commandline and through windows(double-click the CheckHeartbeat.vbs). And it works...however, it produces an error in the status.txt (as i posted above). The status.txt keeps on increasing and increasing AND increasing its size, so if i delete the status.txt it will generate an error like this:

    "Cannot delete status: It is being used by another person or program. Close any other programs that might be using the file and try again"

    Now, the only way to delete it is to kill the program that is using it which is wscript.exe which can be "KILLED" in the task manager.

    The problem can't be permissions because i'm running the program as an administrator


    Thanks for the help anyway..i appreciate it

  • > The problem can't be permissions because i'm running the program as an administrator

    That's true.  I thought you were running the task in the Task Scheduler, however, not by double-clicking the script -- and when you do that, the task can be running in a different context <s>.

    I will take another quick look at the script.  For one thing, it should be easy to modify it so that you can exit quickly after an error rather than getting into this situation.  I will write back when I've checked it.


  • Here you go.  As the first person who recommended this script uses the second method (from page 2 of the article), that is the method I have revised below.  Search for my initials (LSN) for comments and changes.  Note that I have changed the vars holding hte name of the source folder and files, which you should change to suit yourself.

    The changes I've made are, first, to give you some more detailed information about what is going on, and, second, to make sure you don't get into an endless loop. Also, I've cleaned up the open files and objects at the end of the run, but I don't think this is involved with your problem, you're not getting that far in the script.

    In looking over your error information, and reading this script, I'm wondering if the problem is here: Do until ifile.AtEndOfLine . I say this because your values in the error message are blank.

    Your empty values may indicate that you aren't opening the file you think you are opening, for some reason.

    You may be opening/creating an empty file instead of the input file you expect. My changes should help you see this -- if not, they should help you see whether the problem is your version of CDO on that box (in which case you need to patch), or what exactly is going wrong.



    ' LSN added some debugging
    Dim debug
    debug = True
    ' start the main sub
    'Objective: TO check the Heartbeat of all SQL Server services and send email
    'if any state of service is not running
    'Author: MAK
    'Date: April 2, 2004
    Sub Main
       on error resume next
       Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       If iFSO Is Nothing or oFSO Is Nothing Then
          LSNWrite "Could not create Scripting.FSO object"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       'Note: change the email ID to your email ID
       SMTPServer = "111.222.444.111"
       ' LSN: I changed the file and folder information here
       ' you will want to change it to suit yourself
       If Not iFSO.FileExists(InputFile) Then
          LSNWrite "Does not exist: " & inputfile, Nothing
          Exit Sub
       End If   
       Set ifile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(inputfile)
       if err.number<>0 or iFile Is Nothing then 
          LSNWrite "Could not open " & inputfile, Nothing
          Exit Sub
       End If   
       Set ofile = ofso.createTextFile(OutputFile, True)
       if err.number<>0 or iFile Is Nothing then 
          LSNWrite "Could not create or write to " & outputfile, Nothing
          Exit Sub
       End If   
       ' ofile.writeline "Check Heart beat started"
       LSNWrite "Check Heart beat started", oFile
       Do until ifile.AtEndOfLine
          servicelist= ifile.ReadLine
          Service =right(servicelist,len(servicelist)-instr(servicelist,","))
          ofile.writeline Now()
          ofile.writeline "ServerName: " & strcomputer
          ofile.writeline "ServiceName: " & Service
          Set objWMIService =nothing
          Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
          if err.number<>0 then
             ofile.writeline "Error: " & err.number
             ofile.writeline "Error: " & err.description
             LSNWrite "Could not GetObject winmgmts", oFile
             Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
             If objMessage Is Nothing Then
                LSNWrite "Could not CreateObject CDO", oFile
                Exit Do
                objMessage.Subject = "SQL Server HeartBeat" 
                objMessage.Sender = NotificationEmail
                objMessage.To = NotificationEmail
                objMessage.TextBody = "Server :" & strcomputer & "  " & err.description
                'msgbox y
                'The line below shows how to send a webpage from a remote site 
                objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 
                'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server 
                objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = SMTPServer
                'Server port (typically 25) 
                objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 
               if err.number<>0 then
                   LSNWrite "Could not send message", oFile
                   Exit Do
                end If        
             end if         
             Set colItems = nothing
             query = "Select * from Win32_Service where name = '" & Service & "'"
             LSNWrite query, oFile
             Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query,,48)
             if err.number<>0 then
                LSNWrite "Error: " & err.number, oFile
                LSNWrite "Error: " & err.description, oFile
                Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
                If objMessage Is Nothing Then
                   LSNWrite "Could not CreateObject CDO", oFile
                   Exit Do
                   objMessage.Subject = "SQL Server HeartBeat" 
                   objMessage.Sender = NotificationEmail
                   objMessage.To = NotificationEmail
                   objMessage.TextBody = "Server :" & strcomputer & "  " & err.description
                   'msgbox y
                   'The line below shows how to send a webpage from a remote site 
                   objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                   ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 
                   'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server 
                    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                      ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = SMTPServer
                    'Server port (typically 25) 
                     objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                     ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 
                    if err.number<>0 then
                        LSNWrite "Could not send message", oFile
                        Exit Do
                     end If        
                  end if   
                  For Each objItem in colItems
                     ofile.writeline "Status: " & objItem.Status
                     ofile.writeline "State: " & objItem.State
                     If objitem.status <>"OK" or objitem.state <>"Running" then
                        Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
                        If objMessage Is Nothing Then
                           LSNWrite "Could not CreateObject CDO", oFile
                           Exit Do
                           objMessage.Subject = "SQL Server HeartBeat" 
                           objMessage.Sender = NotificationEmail
                           objMessage.To = NotificationEmail
                           objMessage.TextBody = "Server :" & strcomputer & ":" & Service & " Status: " _
                            & objitem.status & " Status: " & objitem.state
                           'msgbox y
                           'The line below shows how to send a webpage from a remote site 
                            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                             ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 
                            'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server 
                            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                              ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = SMTPServer
                            'Server port (typically 25) 
                            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ 
                            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 
                            if err.number<>0 then
                               LSNWrite "Could not send message", oFile
                               Exit Do
                            end If        
                         end if   
                      end if
              end if
          end if
       LSNWrite "Check Heart beat Completed", oFile
       ' LSN: bad manners not to clean up:
       IF Not oFile Is Nothing then
       End If
       IF Not iFile Is Nothing then
       End If
       SET oFile = Nothing
       SET iFile = Nothing
       SET oFSO = Nothing
       SET iFSO = Nothing
       SET objMessage = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub LSNWrite(tsWriteWhat, toWhere)
       If NOT (toWhere is Nothing) Then
          toWhere.writeline tsWriteWhat
       End If
       If debug Then
       End If
    End Sub

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