T-SQL Help

  • Hi

    I have one table having orderdate and deliverydate Now i need to calculate Delivery performance means how many orders we delivered in 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours +.......On monthly bases. Now one problem is if some customer place order on friday and if it deliveried on monday then it's a 24 hour delivery.

    Fields of my table are:




  • You might try using a calendar table to track workdays or you could just use

    datediff(dw,date,date)  The dw datepart is weekdays.  This won't account for holidays however, hence the suggestion of a calendar table.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • sorry to bump in..what is a calendar table..(ignore my ignorance)



  • Basically it's a table that you can add to your database to help with calculating dates.

    You can add whatever information you might need.  You can pretty easily genereate one and include, hours, days, months, years, and various other date parts, holiday or not etc.  This can then be used for joining and date eliminations and such.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • It's a table with all the dates as the clustered primary key.  Then you can add flags for trimesteres, week-ends, holidays, etc.

  • here's a link to an article that discusses it's use and how to create one etc..


    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • Thank you both of you for the explanation.



  • declare @Ordered datetime, @Delivered datetime

    select @Ordered = GETDATE(), @Delivered = GETDATE() + 2.7

    select datediff(hh, @Ordered, @Delivered) - DATEDIFF(wk, @Ordered, @Delivered)*48

     DATEDIFF(wk, ...) returns number of weekends between dates. Does not depend on DATEFIRST settings.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks for reply

    Sorry Sergiy, i am a new user of sql.Could you explain me this statement please

     @Delivered = GETDATE() + 2.7


  • It adds 2.7 days to the current datetime.


    The best practice is to use the dataadd function but there are exceptions to that .

  • Thanks Ninja's RGR'us

    Sorry for again asking

    Is this mean 2 days and 7 hours...?

    I want to show my client output in one table like this

    Total number of orders      8289   

    24 hour receipt                8067

    48 hour receipt                176

    72 hours+                       39

    Extremely sorry for asking again, Is it possible to show this output with one query.


  • No, it means 2 days + 0.7*24 hours. "2.7" days.


    SELECT COUNT(OrderID) as [Total number of orders],

    COUNT(case when ReceiptHours <= 24 then OrderID else NULL end) as [24 hour receipt],

    COUNT(case when ReceiptHours > 24 and ReceiptHours <= 48 then OrderID else NULL end) as [48 hour receipt],

    COUNT(case when ReceiptHours > 48 and ReceiptHours <= 72 then OrderID else NULL end) as [72 hour receipt],

    COUNT(case when ReceiptHours > 72 then OrderID else NULL end) as [72 hours +]

    FROM (select OrderID,  datediff(hh, TimeOrdered, TimeReceived) - DATEDIFF(wk, TimeOrdered, TimeReceived)*48 as ReceiptHours

    FROM <Orders Table>

    WHERE <....>

    ) DT

    Orders not received yet not gonna appear in this report. Should they?

    But I have to warn you - this query will be very expensive in terms of server resouses and slow.

    I would create separate table having data for this report and set up trigger on <Orders Table> to update report table when Order is recorded or TimeReceived is updated.


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks a lot Sergiy

    I WILL TRY THIS ..........

    Kind Regards


  • Here is my query

    SELECT     COUNT(OrderLineNumber) AS [Total Number Of Orders], COUNT(CASE WHEN DateInvoiced <= SystemOrderDate + 1 THEN OrderLineNumber ELSE NULL

                           END) AS [24 Hour Receipt], COUNT(CASE WHEN DateInvoiced > Systemorderdate + 1 AND

                          DateInvoiced <= SystemOrderDate + 2 THEN OrderLinenumber ELSE NULL END) AS [48 Hour Receipt],

                          COUNT(CASE WHEN DateInvoiced > SystemOrderDate + 2 AND DateInvoiced <= SystemOrderDate + 3 THEN Orderlinenumber ELSE NULL END)

                          AS [72 Hour Receipt], COUNT(CASE WHEN DateInvoiced > SystemOrderDate + 3 THEN OrderLineNumber ELSE NULL END) AS [72 Hour Plus],


    FROM         DeliveryPerformanceV

    WHERE   <----Conditions----->

    Group by Month

    Sorry for bothering again i am a new user so don't know much about it...

    Data Type of date is int(CYYMMDD format) that's why i am adding numbers.

    Could anybody please explain how can i add order  in 24 hour receipt which are ordered on friday and deliveried on monday. I need to extract that orders from 72 hour receipt also. Other thing we do have orders which are diliveried on same day means on Friday and next means Saturday also.



  • Stupidiest idea to store date as int(CYYMMDD format)!

    How you would explain Server that 20061201 = 20061130 + 1? Not to mention heaps of other problems created by this approach!

    You need to convert this "date" into datetime. You may create new computed column with datetime value calculated from that freaky int. If you'll set up index on it this calculations will not affect performance at all.

    Than you need to use the formula from my post to calculate hours excluding weekends. You may do it in subquery, as I did, or, again, in computed column in the same table.

    Than you may build your SELECT.


    Code for TallyGenerator

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