February 2, 2007 at 9:08 am
I have a query(below) that contains a LEFT OUTER JOIN. This JOIN is needed to get all the data I need. However, it is causing some totals to be skewed because some table IDs are in the JOINED table multiple(not duplicates) times.
The problem is, the total for totMileage is skewed because there are 2 WCid's that have mulitple(not duplicate) entries in the workexpense table.
One was in there 5 times, and the other 2.
So essentially, the WCmileage for those WCid's was being multiplied by 5 and 2 respectively.
So that is causing the totMileage to be off.
Is there a way to fix this so the numbers are correct? -Thanks!
select Uname, UnameFirst, UnameLast, WXlinkItemID, WCid,
count(WCid) as totWorkedDays,
sum(WCtaskAmount) as totWorkedUnits,
sum(WCbillableAmount) as totBilledUnits,
round(sum(WCtaskAmount * Urate),2) as totWages,
round(sum(WCmileage), 2) as totMileage,
round(sum(WXamount), 2) as totExpenses
from workrequest, subjectrecord, worktask, users, internaloffice, workcompleted
left outer join workexpense on WXlinkItemID = WCid
where WCcompletedDate between '1/04/2007 00:00:00' and '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
and WCcompletedDate is not null
and WCemployeeID = Uname
and WCtaskTypeID <> 'BIWTNON'
and WClinkItemID = WTid
and WTlinkItemID = WRid
and UinternalOfficeID = IOid
and UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'
and WRsubjectRecordID = SRid
and Uname = 'sdowdell'
group by Uname, UnameLast, UnameFirst, WXlinkItemID, WCid ORDER BY WCid
February 2, 2007 at 9:13 am
There is a way to fix it, but it requires the business rules.
What does it *mean* to your business if there are 2 or more records in WorkExpense for the same WCid ? Is this a valid state, or does it represent a bug in whatever application created the data ? If it's valid, which 1 of the multiple records is the correct 1 to use in this case ? The most recent ? The 1 with the highest/lowest mileage ?
February 2, 2007 at 9:17 am
It looks like you have multiple tables, (subjectrecord, worktask, etc.) with no alias and no join.
Could you write this using alias's so we can tell which columns are attached to which table and you may need to join these other tables...
Second, you may want to do a "Derived Table" for your summations. LEFT JOIN( SELECT SUM( ColumnName) AS ColumName.... FROM workexpense) AS WE ON( WR.WXlinkItemID = WE.WCid) to accomplish the specific records to sum.
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 2, 2007 at 10:16 am
Thanks for your responses.
The workexpense table does not actually contain any mileage data. It just contains data that I need for the totExpenses column. All my mileage data, WCmileage, is in the workcompleted table.
But the WCid column from workcompleted is linked in the workexpense table as WXlinkItemId. This is needed to show that these expenses are related to the data in workcompleted table.
So would a "derived table" still work in this instance?
February 2, 2007 at 11:08 am
Could you post your query without the extraneous tables and alias the names so we will know what columns belong to what tables?
Also, you may want to provide a bit of data so we can determine if we are getting the correct results.
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 2, 2007 at 11:32 am
Here is a simplified query that returns the mileage and WCid(for reference).
If I take out the LEFT OUTER JOIN, the query returns the correct #'s. But I need that in the larger query for another column of data.
SELECT sum(workcompleted.WCmileage) as totMiles, workcompleted.WCid
FROM users, worktask, workrequest, workcompleted
left outer join workexpense on workexpense.WXlinkItemID = workcompleted.WCid
where 1=1 and users.Uname = 'sdowdell'
and workcompleted.WCcompletedDate between '1/04/2007 00:00:00' and '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
and Uname = workcompleted.WCemployeeID
and workcompleted.WClinkItemID = WTid
and worktask.WTlinkItemID = workrequest.WRid
and workcompleted.WCmileage > 0
GROUP BY workcompleted.WCid ORDER BY workcompleted.WCid
Here is the data that it returns:
40.0--- WC70676
45.0--- WC70738
48.0--- WC70750
108.0--- WC70804
74.0--- WC70861
32.0--- WC70901
76.0--- WC70928
43.0--- WC70996
37.0--- WC71056
42.0--- WC71062
36.0--- WC71128
1015.0--- WC71146 --incorrect, multiplied 5 times due to the JOIN (should be 203.0)
103.0--- WC71203
63.0--- WC71235
44.0--- WC71262
300.0--- WC71287 --incorrect, multiplied 2 times due to the JOIN(should be 150.0)
107.0--- WC71356
94.0--- WC71398
149.0--- WC71516
50.0--- WC71538
Here is the data that it SHOULD return.
40.0--- WC70676
45.0--- WC70738
48.0--- WC70750
108.0--- WC70804
74.0--- WC70861
32.0--- WC70901
76.0--- WC70928
43.0--- WC70996
37.0--- WC71056
42.0--- WC71062
36.0--- WC71128
203.0--- WC71146 --correct
103.0--- WC71203
63.0--- WC71235
44.0--- WC71262
150.0--- WC71287 --correct
107.0--- WC71356
94.0--- WC71398
149.0--- WC71516
50.0--- WC71538
February 2, 2007 at 12:31 pm
I have no way of testing this, but see if this works. BTW WHERE 1 = 1 is totally unnecssary.
SELECT SUM( WC.WCmileage) AS totMiles, WC.WCid
FROM workcompleted WC
INNER JOIN users U ON( U.Uname = WC.WCemployeeID) -- ?
INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid) -- ?
INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)
AND U.Uname = 'sdowdell'
AND WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 2, 2007 at 12:41 pm
wow that generated over 46,000 rows! It should only be 20 or so. I am not sure why it would do that.
February 2, 2007 at 12:50 pm
I missed one of your conditions:
SELECT SUM( WC.WCmileage) AS totMiles, WC.WCid
FROM workcompleted WC
INNER JOIN users U ON( U.Uname = WC.WCemployeeID) -- ?
INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid) -- ?
INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)
WHERE U.Uname = 'sdowdell'
AND WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
AND WC.WCmileage > 0
Because I have no data, I am "assuming" that the summations are doubled or tripled because workexpense has multiple records for some WXlinkItemID's and no records for others, hence the LEFT JOIN and my use of DISTINCT. (I am not wont to use DISTINCT as a general rule).
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 2, 2007 at 1:05 pm
Thanks! That works on my parred down query, but when I try to implement it on my real query, I get this error:
Invalid column name 'WXamount'
Here is the full query using what you wrote:
select users.Uname, users.UnameFirst, users.UnameLast, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid,
count(WC.WCid) as totWorkedDays,
sum(WC.WCtaskAmount) as totWorkedUnits,
sum(WC.WCbillableAmount) as totBilledUnits,
round(sum(WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate),2) as totWages,
round(sum(WC.WCmileage), 2) as totMileage,
round(sum(WE.WXamount), 2) as totExpenses
from workrequest, subjectrecord, worktask, users, internaloffice, workcompleted WC
where WC.WCcompletedDate between '1/04/2007 00:00:00' and '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
and WC.WCcompletedDate is not null
and WC.WCemployeeID = Uname
and WC.WCtaskTypeID 'BIWTNON'
and WC.WClinkItemID = WTid
and worktask.WTlinkItemID = workrequest.WRid
and users.UinternalOfficeID = internaloffice.IOid
and users.UworkgroupTypeID 'TRUSXXX'
and workrequest.WRsubjectRecordID = subjectrecord.SRid
and users.Uname = 'sdowdell'
group by users.Uname, users.UnameLast, users.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid ORDER BY WC.WCid
February 2, 2007 at 1:21 pm
Boy, this keeps changing... Try this, (it uses the Derived Table concept):
SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid,
COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,
SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,
SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,
ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,
ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,
FROM workcompleted WC
INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)
INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)
INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)
INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)
INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)
LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses
FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)
WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL
AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'
AND U.Uname = 'sdowdell'
GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 2, 2007 at 1:35 pm
Yeah, this is getting confusing
I tried this, but it said Line 14: Incorrect syntax near '('.
I looked over and over the statement, but all the parentheses look good to me. I can't figure out where it is erroring.
February 2, 2007 at 1:38 pm
Oooops... Forgot a comma.
SELECT U.Uname, U.UnameFirst, U.UnameLast, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid,
COUNT( WC.WCid) AS totWorkedDays,
SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount) AS totWorkedUnits,
SUM( WC.WCbillableAmount) AS totBilledUnits,
ROUND( SUM( WC.WCtaskAmount * Urate), 2) AS totWages,
ROUND( SUM( WC.WCmileage), 2) AS totMileage,
FROM workcompleted WC
INNER JOIN users U ON( WC.WCemployeeID = U.Uname)
INNER JOIN internaloffice O ON( U.UinternalOfficeID = O.IOid)
INNER JOIN worktask WT ON( WC.WClinkItemID = WT.WTid)
INNER JOIN workrequest WR ON( WT.WTlinkItemID = WR.WRid)
INNER JOIN subjectrecord SR ON( WR.WRsubjectRecordID = SR.SRid)
LEFT JOIN( SELECT WXlinkItemID, ROUND( SUM( WXamount), 2) AS totExpenses
FROM workexpense GROUP BY WXlinkItemID) WE ON( WC.WCid = WE.WXlinkItemID)
WHERE WC.WCcompletedDate BETWEEN '1/04/2007 00:00:00' AND '2/2/2007 23:59:59'
AND WC.WCcompletedDate IS NOT NULL
AND U.UworkgroupTypeID <> 'TRUSXXX'
AND U.Uname = 'sdowdell'
GROUP BY U.Uname, U.UnameLast, U.UnameFirst, WE.WXlinkItemID, WC.WCid
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
February 4, 2007 at 5:15 pm
FYI... the WHERE 1=1 thing is what a lot of GUI programmers do when writing embedded SQL with dynamic WHERE clauses... they will always have a valid WHERE clause and they can add conditions on a whim...
OR it can be an indication that someone is trying to do a little SQL Injection depending on where it shows up.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
February 4, 2007 at 5:26 pm
Interesting! Is this because a NULL returned to some GUI's causes a problem?
It strikes me as a poor programming technique and a NULL should be handled in the GUI better. Can you explain? [ SQL Injection is a serious issue if that is occurring... ]
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
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