Error when using UNION and correlated subquery with ORDER BY

  • I am trying to UNION some statements together.  One statement uses a correlated subquery that contains an ORDER BY CLAUSE and when I run the query I get the following error in SQL 2000.

    Msg 104, Level 15, State 1, Line 1:  ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION operator.

    As a simple example, the following query works fine in SQL 2005, but not in SQL 2000:

    SELECT NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate UNION ALL

    SELECT c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE c.CustomerID = 'VINET' AND o.OrderId IN

    (SELECT TOP 3 o2.OrderID

     FROM Orders o2

     WHERE o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

    ORDER BY o2.OrderDate DESC)

    To get around this right now, I've created a table variable to get the information I need using the correlated subquery.  Later I select from the table variable and UNION the results to other SELECT statements I need for my result set.

    Is there a way to get the same results without using table variables or a while loop?  Or is there a fix for SQL 2000 that somebody knows of that will allow me to execute the query without generating an error (and please don't tell me the easy fix would be to use SQL 2005 , because it's a few months down the road before the db I'm using will be migrated to 2005)



  • JOINing a derived table in place of the IN clause should do the trick.  Try this (and keep in mind I haven't tested it):


    SELECT NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate


    SELECT c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM Orders o

        INNER JOIN (SELECT TOP 3 o2.OrderID

                    FROM Orders

                    ORDER BY o2.OrderDate DESC

                    ) o2

        ON o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

        INNER JOIN Customers c

        ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE c.CustomerID = 'VINET'


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John: Don't you still run into the same problem of having an order by clause with an item not in the select statment?  This seems to be a reoccuring problem when working with any UNION clause.

    Additionally wouldn't you also just get the top three orders without it necessarily being for the customer he is interested in? 

    Not trying to put you on the spot, I don't visualize well without actully working against data (a big problem I know!).


  • JLK - you are absolutely correct.  I apologize for my hasty posting.  As I stated, I did not test the code I posted; moreover, I did really read it to see what he was attempting to do. 

    Ryan, can you post some sample data and an example of the result set you are after?  Here’s my best guess on what you are attempting to do (with my own created sample data).  Hope this helps:

    DECLARE @Orders TABLE (OrderID int IDENTITY(1,1),OrderDate datetime, CustomerID varchar(20))

    DECLARE @Customers TABLE (CustomerID varchar(20), CompanyName varchar(20))


    INSERT INTO @Customers


    SELECT 'Test', 'Test Company'

    INSERT INTO @Orders (OrderDate, CustomerID)

    SELECT '2007-06-02' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-12' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-20' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-21' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-22' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-22' as OrderDate, 'Test' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-22' as OrderDate, 'Test'

    SELECT *

    FROM @Orders

    SELECT *

    FROM @Customers

    SELECT *

    FROM @Orders

    ORDER BY OrderDate DESC

    SELECT NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate


    SELECT TOP 3 c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM @Orders o

        INNER JOIN @Customers c

        ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE c.CustomerID = 'VINET'

    ORDER BY o.OrderDate DESC



    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John: No problem, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.  Also I just checked and Ryan's orginal "example" code appears to run against the northwind database, so if you have that you have some test data. 

    I don't have a better solution to offer than his original idea of a table variable or possibly a function that holds the second part of the union statement and returns the table data he wants. 


    create function dbo.fnTest ()

    returns table


    return (

    SELECT c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE c.CustomerID = 'VINET' AND o.OrderId IN

    (SELECT TOP 3 o2.OrderID

     FROM Orders o2

     WHERE o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

    ORDER BY o2.OrderDate DESC))

    SELECT NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate UNION ALL

    select * from dbo.fnTest()

  • Well it appears that he just wants the last 3 orders by date for that specific customer and then wants to be able to UNION that in with another result set.  What I've posted in my second post will do that fine, but I have a feeling we're missing part of the picture here.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Here are some more details.  I need the Top 15 orders for EACH Employee.  I have done some testing and the correlated subquery runs much faster than a table variable solution I am currently using.  I'll try putting the query into a function and see if that works.  Thanks for your help!

    DECLARE @Orders TABLE (OrderID int IDENTITY(1,1),OrderDate datetime, CustomerID varchar(20))

    DECLARE @Customers TABLE (CustomerID varchar(20), CompanyName varchar(20))


    INSERT INTO @Customers


    SELECT 'Test', 'Test Company' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'JONES', 'Jones Inc'

    INSERT INTO @Orders (OrderDate, CustomerID)

    SELECT '2007-06-02' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-12' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-20' as OrderDate, 'VINET' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-18' as OrderDate, 'JONES' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-19' as OrderDate, 'JONES' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-22' as OrderDate, 'JONES' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-14' as OrderDate, 'Test' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-27' as OrderDate, 'Test' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2007-06-30' as OrderDate, 'Test'

    SELECT *

    FROM @Orders

    SELECT *

    FROM @Customers

    /* Give Top 2 For Each CustomerId */

    -- Works Fine in SQL 2000 without UNION to other statements

    SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM @Orders o INNER JOIN @Customers c ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE o.OrderId IN

      (SELECT TOP 2 o2.OrderID FROM

       @Orders o2 WHERE o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

       Order By o2.OrderDate DESC)

    -- Doesn't work with UNION in SQL 2000

    SELECT NULL CustomerID, NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate


    SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate

    FROM @Orders o INNER JOIN @Customers c ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE o.OrderId IN

      (SELECT TOP 2 o2.OrderID FROM

       @Orders o2 WHERE o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

       Order By o2.OrderDate DESC)

  • Just curious, but what is the purpose of UNIONing NULL values into your result set?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Another thing Ryan, correlated sub queries are usually poor performers and can be re-written using JOINs or derived tables.  I would be careful with taking any approach involving correlated sub queries if there is an alternative solution.  What are the row counts of your employee and orders tables?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I have a report that needs different regions of data.  Rather than having each region be a seperate dataset I created a query that combines queries for the different regions of data together into one result set.  I created a unique groupname for each region.  I use NULL values so that I don't have to supply a value for every column of every Select statement.

    My actual result set returns 10 different regions and 60 columns, but below is an example of what I am essentially doing in my query:

    SELECT 'Customer' GroupType, C.CustomerId, C.CompanyName,

    NULL OrderDate, NULL ShippedDate, NULL ProductOrdered, Null Quantity

    FROM Customers C


    SELECT 'Orders', O.CustomerId, NULL, O.OrderDate, O.ShippedDate, NULL, NULL

    FROM Orders O


    SELECT 'OrderDetails', O.CustomerId, NULL, O.OrderDate, NULL,

    P.ProductName, OD.Quantity


    ON O.OrderId = OD.OrderId

    INNER JOIN Products P

    ON P.ProductId = OD.ProductId



    SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, o.OrderDate, 2 data

    FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

    WHERE o.OrderId IN

    (SELECT TOP 2 o2.OrderID FROM

    Orders o2 WHERE o2.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

    Order By o2.OrderDate DESC)

    Then Try:

    SELECT NULL CustomerID, NULL CompanyName, NULL OrderDate, 1 data




    * Noel

  • In 2005 your statement works without the View trick

    * Noel

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