Help with a stored procedure

  • Hi, I am trying to use a SP to get me the sales of certain products, returns of the same products by store and in total. I have manged to write something that is clearly innefficient as it would mean I would have to enter each store id (e.g. 2007, 2065) to get my answer. Anyone know of a better way of writing it? Help is much appreciated:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Returns_Report_Non_Tols]


    @lowerdate smalldatetime,

    @upperdate smalldatetime



    select, stores.storeid,

    (select Distinct count (orders.orderid) as 'Sales'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid


    Orders.OrderCancel <> 'Y' and

    Orders.OrderDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF')) as 'TotalSales',

    (select Distinct count (orders.orderid) as 'Sales'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid


    Orders.Oaorstoreid = '2007' and

    Orders.OrderCancel <> 'Y' and

    Orders.OrderDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF'))  as '2007Sales',

    (select Distinct count (orders.orderid) as 'Sales'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid


    Orders.Oaorstoreid = '2065' and

    Orders.OrderCancel <> 'Y' and

    Orders.OrderDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF'))  as '2065Sales',

    (select Distinct count (storereturns.frames_orderid) as 'Returns'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid

    left join storereturns on orders.orderid = storereturns.frames_orderid

    left join returnscode on storereturns.returnscode = returnscode.returnscode


    returnscode.returnscode = 'T1' and

    StoreReturns.ReturnsDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF')) as 'TotalReturns',

    (select Distinct count (storereturns.frames_orderid) as 'Returns'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid

    left join storereturns on orders.orderid = storereturns.frames_orderid

    left join returnscode on storereturns.returnscode = returnscode.returnscode


    returnscode.returnscode = 'T1' and

    StoreReturns.storeid = '2007' and

    StoreReturns.ReturnsDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF')) as '2007Returns',

    (select Distinct count (storereturns.frames_orderid) as 'Returns'


    stores left join orders on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    left join products on orderdetails.productid = products.productid

    left join storereturns on orders.orderid = storereturns.frames_orderid

    left join returnscode on storereturns.returnscode = returnscode.returnscode


    returnscode.returnscode = 'T1' and

    StoreReturns.storeid = '2065' and

    StoreReturns.ReturnsDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

    (Products.ProductID = '00154142-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '00195913-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00471206-8'

    or Products.ProductID = '00534207-2'

    or Products.ProductID = '00660681-3'

    or Products.ProductID = '00825717-4'

    or Products.ProductID = '98765432-9'

    or Products.ProductID = 'SKVF')) as '2065Returns'



    where stores.opticianstore_flag = 'Y'



  • Nadeem

    You haven't really provided enough information.  Do you always need the results from the same set of stores, or is it different each time?  If the stores vary, then is it two stores all the time, or does the number of stores vary as well?

    One thing I have noticed in your query is that you're using a LEFT JOIN and then imposing a filter (WHERE clause) on the right-hand table: this effectively turns your LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN.  You should rewrite your query, changing LEFT JOINs to INNER JOINs where appropriate.

    Also, do you really need to join to Products at all?  You could rewrite that part of your WHERE clause as Orderdetails.ProductID = ''00154142-4' and so on, couldn't you?


  • Try this (Though I have made a lot of assumptions about your data, including that you really didn't need to do a lot of the joins you were doing to get the appropriate data):

    if object_id('returns_report_non_tols') is not null drop procedure returns_report_non_tols;


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Returns_Report_Non_Tols] @lowerdate smalldatetime, @upperdate smalldatetime


    --Get all the order data we want to work with into a temp table

    select o.orderid,


           o.oaorstoreid as storeid,


    into #tmpOrders

    from orders o join ordersdetail od on (o.orderid = od.orderid)

    where o.ordercancel <> 'Y' and

          o.orderdate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

          od.productid in ('00154142-4','00195913-2','00471206-8','00534207-2','00660681-3','00825717-4','98765432-9','SKVF')

    --Get all the applicable return data that we want to work with into a temp table

    --NOTE: I don't know your data well enough so you need to validate this one.

    select o.orderid,


           o.oaorstoreid as storeid,



    into #tmpReturns

    from orders o join ordersdetail od on (o.orderid = od.orderid)

                  join storereturns sr on (sr.frames_orderid = o.orderid) --I'm assuming two stores can not have the same orderid otherwise we need to qualify this with the storeid

    where o.ordercancel <> 'Y' and

          od.productid in ('00154142-4','00195913-2','00471206-8','00534207-2','00660681-3','00825717-4','98765432-9','SKVF') and

          sr.returnsdate between @lowerdate and @upperdate and

          sr.returnscode = 'T1'

    --now using our temp tables we can create a singe select against

    --the stores table and a couple of computed tables using our temp tables and

    --grouping on the storeid

    select s.storeid, TotalSales, TotalReturns

    from (

      select storeid, count(*) as TotalSales

      from #tmpOrders o

      group by storeid

         ) ts join


      select storeid, count(*) as TotalReturns

      from #tmpReturns r

      group by storeid

         ) tr on ts.storeid = tr.storeid

         join stores s on s.storeid = ts.storeid

    where s.opticianstore_flag = 'Y'

    --Now you get one row per store with Total Sales and Total Returns.

    --Of course I'm assuming that all stores will have at least one sale and one return

    --  otherwise you need to account for missing data (outer joins, etc)

    --Now if only I had some test data to verify I didn't do anything stupid.

    --NOTE: If you really need just one row with the stores Sale/Return data pivoted, well that is another story.  As it stands I'm sure someone smarter and with more time could get this down to a single select statement eliminating the temp tables.



  • The original query returns one row for each store, then does subqueries returning a totals column for each store in every row.  Surely that can't be what you want.  Also, the joins to products and returnscode appear to be unnecessary.

    I think you'll get inaccurate counts with the previous solution.  If there are multiple products on the target list in the same order, you'll count the same orderid more than once, so you still need to do a SELECT DISTINCT on the orderdetails table.  Here's my version:

    select, stores.storeid,

          sum(case when Orders.OrderDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate then 1 else 0 end) as TotalSales,

          count(storereturns.frames_orderid) as [Returns]

    from stores

    left join orders

          inner join (

                select distinct orderid

                from orderdetails

                where productid IN ('00154142-4', '00195913-2', '00471206-8', '00534207-2', '00660681-3', '00825717-4', '98765432-9', 'SKVF')

          ) orderdetails on orders.orderid = orderdetails.orderid

    on stores.storeid = orders.oaorstoreid

    left join storereturns on orders.orderid = storereturns.frames_orderid

          and storereturns.returnscode = 'T1'

          and StoreReturns.ReturnsDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate

    where stores.opticianstore_flag = 'Y'

          and Orders.OrderCancel <> 'Y'

          and (Orders.OrderDate between @lowerdate and @upperdate OR storereturns.frames_orderid IS NOT NULL)

    group by, stores.storeid

  • Thanks for all your input.

    John was correct that Product table was no longer required (I had used it earlier, but didn't need it any longer).

    Scott - your solution looks perfect! Doing some figures on it using Crystal Reports and it's looking good.

    Thanks again.

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