Query Help to find multiple Values

  • I need help with a query . Example Data in the table is as given below.

    PRODUCTID  Value              

    1                20

    2                10

    3                20

    4                 15

    5                  8

    6                 9

    7                 10

    8                  20

    For each distinct "value " I would like to find and output which "Value" has more than one productID assigned.

    For the above given example, the query output should be as guve below because Value - 20 and 10 have more than one productid assigned.

    PRODUCTID  Value              

    1                20

    2                10

    3                20

    7                 10

    8                 20

    Please help me with this query.



  • select value from table

    group by value

    having count(productid) > 1

  • SELECT d.PRODUCTID, d.Value FROM Table1 AS d

    INNER JOIN (SELECT Value  FROM Table1 GROUP BY Value HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS t ON t.Value = d.Value


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