Connectivity to SQL 2005 from same domain.

  • All,

    Following is the Scenario:

    1. SQL2005 Standard Edition x64. Stand alone box (named as CGCO) sits on a XYZ domain. Only once instance Default.

    2. I belong the ABC domain.(My Login ID is ABC\LoginA)

    3. Allow Remote Connection enabled and the protocol is TCP/IP over Named Pipes. And SQL Browser service is up and running

    4. I am able to connect to SQL 2005's Default Instance.(By specifing the Machine Name). with my Windows Authentication Credential

    5. A LoginId (Windows user) on  the XYZ domain - XYZ\LoginX, having member of SA's role with in SQL Server 2005. When this Windows user tries to connect to the SQL Server from his desktop with windows authentication he gets the following Error:

    Cannot connect to CGCO:

    Additional Information:

    An error has occured while establishing a connectio to the server. When connection to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error:40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Micorosoft SQL Server , Error:2). 


    Do anybody have any idea or Experience in resolving the issue. Solution is appreciated.


    Thank You.




  • If the server belongs to XYZ domain then users from that doamin can connect to the sql server using windows credentials other must use sql credentials to connect and cannot connect using windows authentication.

    say your server resides in XYZ domain and user XYZ\ABC connects to sql if he has access he will be logged in but there is another domain EFG then user EFG\ABC cannot login using windows credentials to sql server in XYZ domain.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I think you havent understand... Please refer to the Point# 5.

  • Is named pipes protocol enabled in the server. I have referred to your point 3 but clarifying again is named pispes anabled in both client and server side as its by default disabled in 2005.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Is sql server running on a non-default port?  If so, does your XYZ user's machine have an alias set up for the sql server running on the correct port?


  • Yes Named Pipe is enabled at both sides.

    The port SQL listens to is Default - 1433


  • Any firewall between the server and the client. Or does your server run firewall services.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Make sure this user can even connect to the server via telnet 1433. Can they connect via SQL auth? Are they using your machine? what if they go after the IPaddress?

  • First thing I'd check is a firewall on the client. After that, determine if your networking folks have any ACLs in place to restrict access. Also, you may see if the user can hit from a different system/


    K. Brian Kelley

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