Connected but missing green arrow

  • Morning...

    I am trying to connect to my SQL 2005 server.  I am able to register the server, and I am able to connect to the server.  I can run queries and work with Management Server, but my server does not show connected with a green arrow.  The icon basically shows that I am not connected, but I am able to run queries.  I can connect thru command line too. 

    I have the green arrow to the same server on a different server, but I am missing it on my desktop..


    I am not sure what I am missing.


    Thanks in advance 

  • You may have registered several SQL server instances in SSMS  (View, RegisteredServers) which are probably dormant, or even be connected in the ObjectExplorer window.

    The significance of the green arrow shows that SSMS can see the services running

    - some admin privs are needed to run SMO/WMI against that server

    If you are not in Administrators Local Group, you probably wont see the greenie but that wont stop you connecting and doing useful TSQL work, so no you're not missing anything. If you logged in to your PC with a domain admins login then I believe you WOULD see the greenie.

    DBAs will need to be in Admins LG (on per-server basis) or member of GG to strut their normal stuff.

  • I checked and I am both a Local Admin and in the domain admin group.  I am logging into the SSMS on both my desktop and the other server with the same credentials, but on the other server, I do have the green arrow (and the options to stop/start. etc the instance), but on my desktop,  I do not.



  • By chance, did you find a solution to this? 

    I am new to 2005 and am having a similar issue.  When I connect via SSMS from a separate machine, I don't get the green arrows and cannot stop/start via SSMS.  This happens with my own domain account that is in the domain group that exists in the server with sysadmin privs.  In addition, when I connect with SSMS from a different machine and using the sa account (with sysadmin privs obviously) I get the same behavior.  Now when I connect using these same accounts on the server the instance is running on, I do get the green arrows and stop/start ability.  Seems like it is something related to connecting from a remote system as the sa account is afected by this.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

  • I just resolved my issue by running the (now depreciated but still accepted) command:

    netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

    from a command prompt run as administrator

    Hope this helps!

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