• I know this has been asked before: 2 questions:

    1. How to read the sqlserver logs: my logs are well ober 1 GB.

    I  understand we can truncate the logs and read the new one.

    2. My db is set to :

    Automatically grow : by 10%

    Max file size: 5000MB.

    Now the data file has readchd the max size, shrink the db doid not help. Any suggestions other than changing the Max file size. The apps is a 3rd party apps that manipulate this db.



  • 1. You need a third party software to read the transaction logs. Lumigent's LogExplorer is one.

    2. In Query Analyzer, you can run the BACKUP LOG dbname WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY command to commit and delete log data. Then use the DBCC SHRINKFILE to get the unused space back. Or truncate the log and leave the unused space in the log - the log will then reuse the space.


  • The db options are set to simple, so I will  not worry about this.

    I need to read the SQLSERVER logs.

  • Again, I don't know of anything that lets you read tlogs that are already made. I believe all the available software must be installed and then tlogs made after the installation can be read. But I could be wrong. The main log reader I keep hearing about is Lumigent's LogExplorer.


  • I mean the database logs as this instance has many databases:

    On SQLSERVER enterprise manager:

    expand the Management:

    expand the SQL Server Logs

    Current log: this is 1GB+.

    I would like to recycle this log so that current become ARchive. and will try to open the archive in texpad. 


  • sp_cycle_errorlog -- cycles the sql error log file

    There is a stored proc to read the log also, but can't find it.

    Tim S

    edit: found them

    sp_readerrorlog @lognum -- lognum is optional

    sp_enumerrorlogs -- display log info including size in bytes

  • chandrika5 is talking about SQL Error Logs or Transaction Logs of the database?

    SQLBill gave info about T-Log which is perfect

    sp_readerrorlog is the stroedprocedure which TimS was unable to find

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