Divied one field values to 3 field

  • Dear all,


    I have a value like ‘1234,45456,8888’ in one field . This value length can be change or it become like ‘1234, ,8888’ or  ‘1234,45456,’


    I need to create a view that dived this value in 3 field usin tat commona(,) in field value.

    First field like 1234  and second field like 45456 and third like 8888.


    Pls help me how I can divided one value in 3 field using a SELECT statement



  • There are couple of ways of doing it...one is:


    declare @table table (col1 varchar(1000))

    insert into @table values ('1234,45456,8888')

    insert into @table values ('1234, ,8888')

    insert into @table values ('1234,45456,')


    substring(col1, 1, charindex(',', col1) -1) as col1,

    substring(col1, charindex(',', col1)+1, charindex(',', col1, charindex(',', col1)+1) - charindex(',', col1)-1) as col2,

    substring(col1, charindex(',', col1, charindex(',', col1)+1)+1, len(col1)) as col3

    from @table


    col1  col2  col3

    1234 45456 8888

    1234          8888

    1234 45456 

  • This seems like a violation of the first normal form. You probably shouldn't have stored your three values in one column in the first place...

    Better to store them in three columns from start and creating one or more special views that CONCATENATES the three values into one column for the (hopefully few) applications that really require the data to be in this concatenated way.

    This you will see is not just the (most often) 'correct' way of dealing with RDBMSes and DB design but you will also see that your performance will improve. Remeber that indices on you 'ThreeValuedColumn' are most but useless the way you have them now.



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