Updates in sp or from a table ??

  • Hi i've a reporting table where i import data into and then update the products based on a product name in the table, i have about 50 - to codes were i've to check and then update these in the main table at the moment am doing this in a stored procedure and an example of what am doing is.. below, would it be best to move these codes to a table and maintain it and do an update with a inner join on both tables. am updating 15- 20k a night, my job is running for 1-2 hours.. which is too long..

    any advice would be great.


    update tbl

    set prodname = 'new product name'

    where productname = 'xxxxxxx'

    another example is

    update tbl

    set prodname = 'new product name'

    where productcode in  'x','y','z'  -- this could have 20, 30 codes in it.

  • Francis,


    Without having the DDL for the tables, I can only make a suggestion, but it seems that you would be better off creating a Product table and using it as a “typeTable” for the base table.




    CREATE TABLE dbo.productInfo

        (productID CHAR(x) -- or whatever matches your product code

        ,productName VARCHAR(x))


    This way you would reference the product from your main table by its ID. When you need to change a product’s name you will only be affecting one record, rather than each record in your main table.


    Another thought, depending if you need history of product names, would be to add a column in the productInfo table that holds the inactive date for the name. you, of course would need to account for this in your queries/sps. This is all really dependant on your business needs, but you did ask for advice.


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  • Francis, lets assume

    1) Import table is tbl_IMPORT which is a cross-reference table containing information on products and one of the fields is ProdID, and NewProdName is the new name

    2) The live table, tbl_Live, also has a ProdID and it is the table to maintain.

    Then this will do it.

    update dbo.tbl_Live

    set prodname = case when not(B.NewProdName is null) then B.NewProdname else A.prodname end

    from dbo.Live A

    left join dbo.tbl_IMPORT B on

    A.ProdID = B.ProdID

    You need the CASE there or just do an INNER JOIN.


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