Tree query help needed

  • I have a table with a parent, child, and grandchild relationship. Can anyone help me with a query that will return the child and grandchild of a parent? Heres a table that I have:

    id | pid | name


    3 | 0 | parentcat

    4 | 3 | childcat

    5 | 4 | grandchildcat

    thanks for any help!


  • Hello Ryan,

    Please try this one

    declare @<your local variable> smallint

    set @<your local variable> = 3

    select <your table name alias> as Child, <your table name alias1>.name as GrandChild

    from <you table name> alias inner join <your table name> alias1 on = alias1.parentid

    where alias.parentid = <your local variable>

    Replace <your table name> with the relevant tablename.

    Hope this helps your requirement.




  • Not quite the results I need. I need parent child and grandchild to be in separate rows.

  • Depending on what you need from the results, you might review a technique like this one:

    From your original post I can see how you stored the data, how would you like it to appear when you retreive it?  That will dictate some of the methods you use.  Alternatives include joined values like the solution lucky posted (which you may be able to use by joining on a case statement which returns the original id in each row), a stored procedure similar to the one mentioned in the article above, a set of views that are nested to provide children and grandchildren with the respective keys so you can join them in different ways as necessary, and probably a few others.

    Hope that helps.

  • I found a solution. Heres what I have....

    Heres my table:

    id pid name


    1 0 UntID

    2 0 Vin Number

    3 0 Make

    4 3 Model

    5 4 Model Number

    6 0 Model Year

    7 0 Vehicle Type

    8 0 Odometer Miles

    When I select 3 as the id I need these results:

    id pid name


    3 0 Make

    4 3 Model

    5 4 Model Number

    declare @id int

    set @id = 3

    select config_id, config_pid, config_name

    from crm_map_config


    config_id = @id

    or config_pid = @id

    or config_pid in (

    select config_id

    from crm_map_config

    where config_pid=@id


    Thanks for your help,


  • Great!  If you find that your tree gets more than 3 levels, or a dynamic depth above three, you can use the other techniques to drill down a hierarchical data set.  Enjoy!

  • Heres what I have for unlimited children levels...

    DECLARE @pid INT SET @pid = 3 --This get the parent you are looking for

    DECLARE @Level INT

    SET @Level = 1


    @Hierarchy_List TABLE(

    config_id INT,

    config_pid INT,

    config_name VARCHAR(50),

    config_req INT,

    Level INT)


    INTO @Hierarchy_List






    ,@Level AS Level

    FROM crm_map_config

    WHERE config_id = @pid --This get the parent you are looking for

    AND active = 1

    WHILE (@@ROWCOUNT > 0) --now get all child/grandchild/grand-grandchild/etc.


    SET @Level = @Level + 1

    INSERT INTO @Hierarchy_List






    ,@Level AS Level

    FROM crm_map_config H (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN @Hierarchy_List L ON H.config_pid = L.config_id

    AND L.Level = @LEVEL -1


    SELECT config_id, config_pid, config_name, config_req FROM @Hierarchy_List

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