Re : combinations function

  • I've created a function to check a number of combinations to chack if they exist in the database and if they do then set a indicator to  1,2, etc i've written the first combination but am just wondering if there is a easier way to do this ? as my way seems very long

    The combinations are   "field,Solve,Part,Info"



    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind(@field_1 char(50),@field_2 char(50))

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @Act_ind int


     If @field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'field' or

      @field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'solve' or

      @field_1 =  'solve'  and  @field_2 =  'field' or

         @field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'part' or

         @field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'field' or

          @field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'info' or

          @field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'field'


      Set @Act_ind = 1




      Set @Act_ind = 0



    RETURN @Act_ind


  • You're the really confusing type of SQL-Cowboy

    What are you trying to find out in fact? Whether any combination of specified four terms exists?


    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • Am trying to find out if the combinction exist then set a value to it 1,2,3 etc

    For example if i have the word "field" and "part" in 2 rows where the unique id is the same then which once should be the more important  hence the order is   1=Field, 2=solve,3=part etc...

  • -- simple version:





     CASE field1 WHEN 'field' THEN 1

        WHEN 'solve' THEN 2

        WHEN 'part' THEN 3

        ELSE 100 END

     AS OrderCriteria1,

     CASE field2 WHEN 'field' THEN 1

        WHEN 'solve' THEN 2

        WHEN 'part' THEN 3

        ELSE 100 END

     AS OrderCriteria2

    FROM tableSort





    -- the better version:

    CREATE TABLE SortValue (StringValue VARCHAR(255), RankValue INT)

    INSERT SortValue VALUES ('field', 1)

    INSERT SortValue VALUES ('solve', 2)

    INSERT SortValue VALUES ('part', 3)





    FROM tableSort AS S

    INNER JOIN SortValue AS SV1

            ON S.field1 = SV1.StringValue

    INNER JOIN SortValue AS SV2

             ON S.field2 = SV2.StringValue





    -- and last but not least: I really hope that this is not some kind of a bill of materials you're trying to manage this way ...

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • I omitted existence and null tests on purpose. This should of course be considered.

    Taking the ranks out to a small persistent table will give you more control on what really happens and will enable you to change/update the rank, integrate new values any time without any hassle.


    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • Sorry i think you must have pick me up wrong on the first out set, am not looking to extract data from the table i am writing the function for the combinations

    In your examples you explain how to select the combinations, which is fine. But i was after a function like the one i did with the if else....  Is it bossible to put this into a case statement... ??  I had to write out every combination for this is there a easier way...

    My example ...

    If @field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'field' or

      @field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'solve' or

      @field_1 =  'solve'  and  @field_2 =  'field' or

         @field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'part' or

         @field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'field' or

          @field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'info' or

          @field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'field'


      Set @Act_ind = 1




      Set @Act_ind = 0

  • >For example if i have the word "field" and "part" in 2 rows where the unique id is the same then which once should be the more important  hence the order is   1=Field, 2=solve,3=part etc...<

    This does look as if you were trying to order the items? Wrong?

    I thought you're trying to order items by their field contents, which in turn have some defined non-alphabetical rank.

    What I first assumed though is, that you're trying to sort on TWO fields per record. Otherwise you should not use field1 and field2 but value1 and value2 respectively. If so, this makes things even easier - one join less. And there's of course no need to extract data -> the above procedure can be used to calculate all the ranks at once! without executing a function repeatedly. Whether you use it dynamically or in an update-statement to store that rank does not matter.






    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • It looks to me like some search with evaluation which of the found items is most corresponding to criteria, or something like that. Not sure though... and I still don't know what should be the result and how to get there.


    when writing complicated SQL with AND and OR, you should always use parentheses to make sure the condition will be evaluated in correct way.

  • I am not trying to order the items in the table  

    Am only looking at the Value1, Value2 and setting the indactor.

    Field = 1 ,part = 2, solve = 3

    Example  if value1 = 'field'  and value2 = 'part' set the Act_ind = 1

    The reason i set it to 1 is that Field is more important that part in the business

    Example  if value1 = 'part '   and value2 = 'solve ' set the Act_ind = 2

    The reason i set it to 2 is that part is more important that solve in the business




  • Fine, you're setting the indicator. But WHY are you doing that? What is the purpose of the indicator and how is it used later? That's what we can not understand from your posts. How do you know that "solve" is more important, is that stored in some table? Or is it hardcoded in the function? There are no other words to be considered than these 4 - field,Solve,Part,Info?

    BTW, what does it mean "whether they exist in the database"? As far as I can see from the UDF, you just pass 2 values to the function and process them independently on what is in the database... Also, you are not checking ALL combinations, but only some of them, namely those that contain 'field' in at least one of the parameters. I can't find anywhere under what conditions you assign other vlaue than 0 or 1 to the indicator, but you mention also 2, 3 ... /*EDIT*/ : Now looking again at your last post I think I begin to see the pattern, but please explain anyway, just to be sure. 🙂

    Clearly, we can not answer your questions, unless you are more specific about the purposes and give us some more explanations about the principles that should be used. I begin to think that this could be some kind of homework from a course, where you yourself haven't been supplied enough information to answer these questions. If that's the case, please say so.

  • CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind (@field_1 char(50),@field_2 char(50))

    RETURNS int



      DECLARE @id int

      SET @id = 0

      DECLARE @combinations TABLE ([ID] int, field char(50))

      INSERT INTO @combinations VALUES (1,'field')

      INSERT INTO @combinations VALUES (2,'Solve')

      INSERT INTO @combinations VALUES (3,'Part')

      INSERT INTO @combinations VALUES (4,'Info')

      SELECT @id = c1.[ID]

        FROM @combinations c1

        CROSS JOIN @combinations c2

        WHERE c1.field = @field_1

        AND c2.field = @field_2

        RETURN @id


    This uses an inbuilt table with the four names you supplied but can be replaced using actual table

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind (@field_1 char(50),@field_2 char(50))

    RETURNS int



      DECLARE @id int

      SET @id = 0 

      SELECT @id = c1.[ID]



        CROSS JOIN


        WHERE c1.field = @field_1

        AND c2.field = @field_2

        RETURN @id



    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • After re-reading your last post again, I begin to see the light... but what should happen if @field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'forest' ? Is that rated 0 because of the forest or 1 because of the field?

  • There will only ever be  these Values 

    'Feild', 'Part','Solve'' ,info'  if otherwise  the Act_ind = 0

    There is my code...

    Test it with this

    Update [DB_NAME].dbo.Test_1

    Set Act_ind = dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind(field_1,field_2)

    select * from dbo.Test_1

    /* My Question was is there are simpler way of doing this ? The return value  is set in the Act_ind which in turn is used again for another function*/

    P.S this is not a case study its something am doing in work to build up a report.


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind(@field_1 char(50),@field_2 char(50))

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @Act_ind int

     If (@field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'field') or

      (@field_1 = 'field'  and  @field_2 = 'solve') or

      (@field_1 =  'solve'  and  @field_2 =  'field') or


         (@field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'part') or

         (@field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'field') or


          (@field_1 = 'field' and @field_2 = 'info') or

          (@field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'field')


      Set @Act_ind = 1



      If  (@field_1  = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'solve') or 

       (@field_1  = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'field') or  

       (@field_1  = 'field' and @field_2 = 'solve') or


          (@field_1 = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'part') or

            (@field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'solve') or


         (@field_1 = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'info') or

          (@field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'solve')


       Set @Act_ind = 2




      If  (@field_1  = 'part' and @field_2 = 'part') or

       (@field_1  = 'part' and @field_2 = 'field') or

       (@field_1  = 'field' and @field_2 = 'part') or


          (@field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'solve') or

            (@field_1 = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'part') or


         (@field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'info') or

          (@field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'part')


        Set @Act_ind = 3




       If  (@field_1  = 'info' and @field_2 = 'info') or

        (@field_1  = 'info' and @field_2 = 'field') or

        (@field_1  = 'field' and @field_2 = 'info') or


           (@field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'solve') or

             (@field_1 = 'solve' and @field_2 = 'info') or


          (@field_1 = 'info' and @field_2 = 'part') or

           (@field_1 = 'part' and @field_2 = 'info')


         Set @Act_ind = 4



       Set @Act_ind = 0



    RETURN @Act_ind




  • >/* My Question was is there are simpler way of doing this ? The return value  is set in the Act_ind which in turn is used again for another function*/<

    I hope you're not trying to tell us, that we shouldn't ask questions but shut up and solve your curious code? Remember where you are ... 

    You're talking >of doing THIS<. What's THIS? and what is "simple". Short syntax, more flexible syntax? less processing or I/O-needs? WHAT? Sure. There are many ways, as long as you don't care of the destination.

    People here try to help. If you insist on growing grain in the desert, while all your problem is hunger, you might be out of reach ...

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • yes

    prob with my solution


    better to put options in permanent table

    CREATE TABLE [Priorities] ([ID] int, field char(50))

     INSERT INTO [Priorities] VALUES (1,'field')

     INSERT INTO [Priorities] VALUES (2,'Solve')

     INSERT INTO [Priorities] VALUES (3,'Part')

     INSERT INTO [Priorities] VALUES (4,'Info')

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf__Test_Act_ind (@field_1 char(50),@field_2 char(50))

    RETURNS int



      DECLARE @id int

      SET @id = 0

      SELECT @id = CASE WHEN p1.[ID] < p2.[ID] THEN p1.[ID] ELSE p2.[ID] END

        FROM [Priorities] p1

        CROSS JOIN [Priorities] p2

        WHERE p1.field = @field_1

        AND p2.field = @field_2

        RETURN @id


    but if you want to use it to update another table this would be better

    UPDATE a

    SET a.ind = p.[ID]




    p1.field AS [field_1],

    p2.field AS [field_2],

    FROM [Priorities] p1

    CROSS JOIN [Priorities] p2) p

    ON p.field_1 = @field_1

    AND p.field_2 = @field_2


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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